Super Junior Enters the English Village

Oldie but goodie you guys! I watch this vid whenever I want a laugh ^^ Enjoy!

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Beautiful AM/BW Couple Alert! 1-7-12

Ladies, ladies, ladies! Check out the lastest beautiful AM/BW couple to get in touch with BWLB to have their story told! This is the story of Nina and Alan Cardinez, a couple who started out as best friends, lost touch after high school, but seven years later, happened to run into other. Since then, they have been inseparable.

Nina says, “I just felt the need to email you and say thanks for what your doing! I have never come across anything like this that helps to expose these relationships. My husband and I have been married now for almost 6 years and it was rough from the beginning to be accepted as a couple.. But here we are still together standing strong and happy as a family despite the discrimination and small talk of others. We also have a beautiful 3 year old son named Anthony. I’d like to say that no matter what people say and no matter how hard they try to break you apart, your heart has the answers. Love does not see color, when love is meant to be it will conquer all. I’m blessed to say that me and my husband have done that, and I thank God everyday for my family :).

No, Nina, there is no need to thank me. 🙂 I, on the behalf of BWLB and its readers, thank you for sharing your story and words of encouragement! We wish you and your family the best!

Want to be totally connected to us and in the know? Follow BWLB on Twitter at blackwomenloveb and KrisE at: K_Kisses_KrisE

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Incredibly Insightful Tips on Making an AMBW Relationship Last

For those of us who are searching for the ideal Asian guy partner, what refreshing insight given in the video clip below by Icysparks2007 on making AMBW relationships last! What I love about Icysparks2007’s perspective is that he is honest, yet positive. Thanks Icysparks2007! 🙂

Want to be totally connected to us and in the know? Follow BWLB on Twitter at blackwomenloveb and KrisE at: K_Kisses_KrisE

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Beautiful AM/BW Couple Alert! 12-17-11

Check out the story of Sora and Nykia, a gorgeous AM/BW couple who are expecting twins very soon! This couple had just about every obstacle in the way or their being together, but nothing stopped their love! More specifically, one of those obstacles was language: Nykia didn’t speak Japanese, and Sora didn’t speak English. I won’t spoil this anymore for you, and will leave you to watch the video in peace. But, yes! This is what we need to hear, this is what we need to see! 🙂 With our feet firmly planted on the ground, but our heads soaring high in the sky, we can realize our dream of finding the perfect man for us. I think the most beautiful thing about Sora and Nykia is that they found each other–not their color. It’s hard enough to find true love, but they didn’t let race, culture or language ruin their chances. *Boab81 taking notes* Enjoy, you guys, and congratulations to Sora and Nykia! ^^

P.S. – Thanks to Laurnea for the tip!

Want to be totally connected to us and in the know? Follow BWLB on Twitter at blackwomenloveb and KrisE at: K_Kisses_KrisE and couturekitty @ couturekitty

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Crossing Lines: This AM/BW Documentary Needs You!

Sweet!! There is an awesome documentary in the works, and you can be part of its production! I’ve literally ripped the synopsis from the youtube page:

“CROSSING LINES: A Real View Into AM/BW” takes a look into REAL relationships in the modern age – where cross-cultural love between Asian Men and Black Women blossoms and ignites both on and off-screen.

Submit your info to to participate in this documentary:
– Couples & Families
– Seekers/Singles
– Original AM/BW Art
– AM/BW or Interracial Opponents

In the word of Kim Hyun Joong in “Breakdown” intro: “LET’S DO THIS!” Come on you, guys, let’s support this documentary and contribute as much as we can to make it the best it can be and spread the AM/BW love!

Thanks so much to Laurnea for the tip!

Want to be totally connected to us and in the know? Follow BWLB on Twitter at blackwomenloveb and KrisE at: K_Kisses_KrisE

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“The Golden Dragons” Has Been Released!

As some of you may now, one of BWLB’s readers Jiani Yu, has released her first interracial (AMBW) novel “The Golden Dragons”, and it is available for purchase at! How cool is that!? I have already purchased my copy! Congratulations Jiani! We all wish you the best of success with “The Golden Dragons”!

“The Golden Dragons” synopsis:
Edward is the son of the most feared and powerful Triad leader in Hong Kong. And Edward wants very little to do with it. All he ever wanted was to have a quiet life without being involved, but that’s not what his father has planned. Edward is sent to Connecticut with Winston, one of his father’s trusted associates to run a high-end Chinese restaurant. At least until his father could either find something more family involved or until Edward came to his senses. That’s until Elana, a restaurant regular comes into the picture. From the moment Edward first saw Elana, he was captivated by her and had to have her. Even if it meant going against his family and being disowned forever. Can Edward and Elana’s love be enough to withstand the pressure from Edwards father powerful grip.

When Will We Start Seeing Black Chicks In K-pop Culture?

K-Pop needs more Jimmy Rays

And no, I don’t mean just as background fillers, but STARRING as the Kpop artists’ love interest or date! No disrepect to women who are not black, but they are often included in Korean tv shows, movies and videos as “global beauties”. Since when does the word “global” exclude anyone of African descent?? Yes, I’m a little ticked. It’s almost like: our music is good enough for you (the K-pop industry in general) to base a whole musical and cultural movement on, but our women aren’t?! Boggles the mind!

"Global Beauties" from Russia, America and Brazil stun the 2PM boys on an episode of Idol Army, but where were the sistas?"

I know the reasons why things may be this way, but I keep wanting to NOT believe those things, because it’s hard for me to understand. I don’t want to go down the “well, Asian people haven’t been exposed to black people in a positive light”, and “well, Asian people revere milky-white skin and anything darker is considered low-class and undesirable” roads. I really don’t want to go there. But I think it really is that simple (and stupid). All too often, African-American culture is quartered, much like a just-slaughtered cow, and only the choice portions (mostly musical and sports talent) of our culture are taken and “served” to the world; but the rest is discarded. And I’m sick of it. Grrr…where are the Jimmy Rays when you need them??

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BWLB Loves All Asian Men — Really!

I have nothing against Asian men of other nationalities. I truly love and am open to all of them. As a matter of fact, color, nationality and ethnicity do not matter to me when it comes to finding true love. I am an equal opportunity woman that will give any genuine guy a chance that is truly interested in knowing and loving me. That said, and since this is an Asian men appreciation blog, Asian men are the focus of this post. You may be wondering why I’m defending myself as if I am up on the witness stand. 🙂

A few days ago, I came across this video on youtube, and was really moved by this young man’s concerns, as they are valid concerns. Kon, a young Thai man, finds annoyance in the fact that in the majority of the AM/BW online communities he frequents, black women seem to only mention Korean, Japanese and Chinese men as the Asian nationalities of their choice in men, omitting all Asian men of other nationalities.

I do believe that most black women in general do not have an abundance of Asian men in their everyday surroundings, and if they do, there is still an invisible divide, that is keeping them from connecting. This can be very frustrating for both black women and Asian men, who are interested in each other, and so the first thing each party may do is try to use the internet to find black women and Asian men that they can connect with. Let’s keep it real, and let’s take Korean men for example.

K-Pop alone is all over the internet…Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Its so easy to find pictures, bios, videos, etc. on the Jung Jihoons, G-Dragons, Kim Hyun Joongs and Super Juniors of the world that way. With the influx and ease of accessibility of Korean dramas, movies and music, is it no wonder that Korean men get most of our attention?

South Korea has really stepped up and decided that they want to show the world what they’re workin’ with, and boy they have! But should guys like Kon, or Asian guys of other nationalities feel annoyed or threatened with all the attention that K-Pop and Korean men have been getting from black women? I personally don’t think so. A man is a man, no matter what color or nationality he is. It’s not that we don’t love all of you Asian guys, it’s just that we’re giving attention to what’s smack-dab in front of us.

I will add that it isn’t just because K-pop is easily accessible that it has garnered our attention. K-pop is, as one of BWLB’s avid contributors has said before, “a well-oiled machine” and gives fans, no matter what their color, so much more than what they could possibly ask for. That said, I do believe that the blog should be more diverse in its coverage of Asian men of other nationalities. It is quite the challenge, but I will do my best to bring more diversity. I want to thank Kon for bringing up this subject and I look forward to what you all have to say in this regard.

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Woes of the Salaryman

This is just a rambling, worrying post concerning my dear Japanese guy friend who has been both blessed and cursed with a managerial job here in the States, under the ever-watchful eye of his boss back in our parent company’s Japan office.

The guy has only been here 6 months (the duration of his work visa is 3 years) and I’ve already noticed the emergence of more than a few grey hairs on his otherwise jet-black head. Did I mention that he’s only 26? He’s 26, terribly stressed, overloaded and overwhelmed.

There's more to life, buddy...

Japanese culture is known for being about “us”, as opposed to the West, which is more likely to be all about “me”, and so it is surprising when I hear him speak of a time when he will become head honcho and do his best to eradicate the working custom expectations of his native country. He once told me that Japanese working custom prefers “manpower over efficiency”, which I believe means that they are more apt to work hard, not work smart. I could only hope that he was joking. Sometimes he speaks of quitting, or just running away, but he never does. Hey, it’s a tough ecomony. I think we all put up with bs at our jobs that we normally wouldn’t if we had a choice. He’s not going anywhere soon, but I suppose he needs to get his frustrations off of his chest.

Since he came to me this morning to blow off some steam, he’s been on my mind. After telling me how his weekend went (he slept and slept), he then confessed that 2 nights out of last week he actually stayed overnight in the office because he had so much to do and couldn’t even think about going home. There wasn’t much that I could say, except, “oh you really should rest” and the like. What do you say? I hadn’t a clue. So I just listened.

I hope that one day he will be able to get a grip on himself, his life and his job. I also think he needs to seriously consider what he can actually do, compared to what others expect of him. What is the point of this post? Absolutely nothing. There is no solution I have come up with to help my friend, as I can only be a listening ear. I just thought I’d share with you all.

Top 6 Hottest Asian Actors In Hollywood

This great list I found on picks the hottest 6 Asian actors in Hollywood, and it doesn’t disappoint! These actors are breaking barriers where it counts and reinventing the stereotypical Asian male image in America.

Ken Leung

Age: 41

Height: 5′ 7″

Date of Birth: January 21, 1970

Location: New York City, NY

Ancestry: Unknown

Family: Unknown

Filmography: Rush Hour (1998), The Family Man (2000), Artificial Intelligence: A.I. (2001), Vanilla Sky (2001), Red Dragon (2002), Saw (2004), Inside Man (2006), X-Men: The Last Stand (2006), Shanghai Kiss (2007), Saw V (2009).

TVography: Law & Order (1995, 2000, 2002), Oz (2001), The Sopranos (2007), Lost (2008-2010).

Previous lady friends: Unknown

Current love interest: Unknown

Why I love him? For Lost – He played Miles Straume, introduced early in the fourth season as a hotheaded and sarcastic medium who can talk to the dead. He came on the Island as a crew member from the freighter.

Fun Fact: The writers created the role of Miles specifically for Leung after seeing him guest star on The Sopranos. Leung was the only actor to read for the part. His name was chosen because it resembles the word “maelstrom”, another word for a powerful whirlpool.

Will Yun Lee

Age: 39

Height: 5′ 9″

Date of Birth: May 22, 1971

Location: Arlington, Virginia

Ancestry: Korean

Family: His mother’s name is Jing Ja Lee and his father Soo Wong Lee is a Taekwondo grandmaster.

Filmography: Die Another Day (2002), Torque (2004), Elektra (2005), The Seed (2008).

TVography: Witchblade (2000-2002), Law & Order (2004), CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2006), Fallen (2007), Bionic Woman (2007), Hawaii Five-O (2010).

Previous lady friends: Natassia Malthe

Current love interest: Married to Jennifer Birmingham (Soap Opera actress)

Why I love him? For Bionic WomanHe played Jae Kim, a specialized operations leader with the Berkut Group in charge of training and guiding the Bionic Woman. He was also romantically involved with Sarah Corvus, the previous Bionic Woman who had gone rogue after discovering she was dying.

Fun Fact: Majored in Political Science and minored in Ethnic Studies at UC Berkeley.

John Cho

Age: 38

Height: 5′ 10″

Date of Birth: June 16, 1972

Location: Born in Seoul, South Korea and raised in Los Angeles, California

Ancestry: Korean

Family: His father was a minister in the Church of Christ.

Filmography: Tomorrow Never Dies (1997), American Beauty (1999), Bowfinger (1999), American Pie (1999), The Flinstones In Viva Rock Vegas (2000), American Pie 2 (2001), Solaris (2002), American Wedding (2003), Harold & Kumar Got To White Castle (2004), Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist (2008), Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay (2008), Star Trek (2009).

TVography: Charmed (1998), House, M.D. (2005), Grey’s Anatomy (2006), How I Met Your Mother (2007), Ugly Betty (2007), FlashForward (2009).

Current love interest: Married to Kerri Higuchi since 2006

Why I love him? Harold & Kumar Got To White Castle – He played Harold Lee, a young guy working in investment banking who got a late night craving for White Castle burgers. They go on a crazy adventures all the while high on marijuana.

Fun Facts – Lead singer of the Los Angeles-based band Left of Zed, which was recently renamed Viva La Union.


Daniel Dae Kim

Age: 42

Height: 5′ 9″

Date of Birth: August 4, 1968

Location: Born in Busan, South Korea and grew up in Easton, Pennsylvania

Ancestry: Korean

Family: Unknown

Filmography: The Jackal (1997), For Love of the Game (1999), Cradle 2 the Grave (2003), Momentum (2003), Hulk (2003), Spider Man 2 (2004), Crash (2004), The Cave (2005).

TVography: Law & Order (1994), All My Children (1995), Beverly Hills 90210 (1997), NYPD Blue (1997), Seinfeld (1998), Ally McBeal (1998), The Practice (1998), Party of Five (1998), Walker Texas Ranger (1999), Star Trek: Voyager (2000), Murder She Wrote (2000), Charmed (2001), CSI (2001), Angel (2001-2003), Without a Trace (2004), Star trek: Enterprise (2003-2004), ER (2003-2004), 24 (2003-2004), The Shield (2004), The Andromeda Strain (2008), Lost (2004-2010), Hawaii Five-O (2010-2011).

Current love interest:Married to Mia Kim and has two children with her.

Why I love him? For Hawaii Five O – He plays Chin Ho Kelly, a former Honolulu Police officer forced to resign after being falsely accused of corruption. Together with his cousin and his two buddies, he joined the Five-O task force, an elite state police unit set up by the governor of Hawaii to fight crime.

Fun Facts: While getting small parts in plays and writing and performing in an Improv comedy group, he seriously considered a career in investment banking.

Russell Wong

Age: 47

Height: 6’0″

Date of Birth: March 1, 1963

Location: Troy, New York

Ancestry: Chinese, French, Dutch

Family: His father, William Wong is a Chinese American restaurateur and mother is an American artist.

Filmography: The Joy Luck Club (1993), Hawaii Five-O (1997), Romeo Must Die (2000), Twisted (2004), The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008).

TVography: 21 Jump Street (1989), Touched by an Angel (1998), CSI (2004), Just Legal (2005), Numb3rs (2006), Nikita (2010).

Previous lady friends: Has a daughter by an African American dancer.

Current love interest: Married to former ballerina/ Hong Kong based designer Flora Cheong-Leen and has one daughter, Eja Robinson-Wong.

Why I love him? For The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor – He played General Ming Guo, the right hand man of the emperor of China who falls in love with the witch who knows the secret of immortality.

Fun Fact: While in college, Wong supported himself as a photographer and as a dancer, appearing in rock videos with David Bowie, Donna Summer and Janet Jackson.

Ian Anthony Dale

Age: 32

Height: 6’0″

Date of Birth: July 3, 1978

Location: Saint Paul, Minnesota

Ancestry: Japanese, French and English

Family: He has three brothers and a sister.

Filmography: Mr. 3000 (2004), The Bucket List (2007), The Hangover (2009).

TVography: Angel (2003), JAG (2003), Las Vegas (2004), Charmed (2004-2005), Day Break (2006-2007), Without a Trace (2007), Bones (2007), 24 (2007), Cold Case (2007), CSI: NY (2009), Dollhouse (2009), Criminal Minds (2006-2009), CSI: Miami (2009), CSI (2010), The Event (2010-2011).

Previous lady friends: Unknown

Current love interest: Unknown

Why I love him? For The Event – He plays Simon Lee – An alien who landed on earth near the end of World War II who is disguised as a CIA operative.