Sexy Oppa: Lee Byung Hun

I love all my kpop idols, believe me I do. There are times, however, where I feel like a pedo nuna because most of them are at least four years younger than me. I’m sure I’m not the only one that thinks this way so I thought I’d show off some of our oppas. The first person I thought of was Lee Byung Hun. This man is perfection personified and I’m not just being a fan girl when I say that. I first saw him in my favorite drama, IRIS, and I remember sitting up thinking, “Damn, who is that?!?” I cannot believe he is 41 and looks like this.

If Korean dramas aren’t your thing, he also played Storm Shadow in G.I. Joe and will be resurrecting the role in G.I. Joe 2, coming out this summer.  He’s done a ton of CFs and even released an album. As far as I could find he’s never been married and he doesn’t have any children but I’m sure he won’t be single for long unless he wants to be because damn, lol.

Here is a list of movies/tv shows he’s been in, if you’re interested in seeing more of him.


I Saw The Devil

The Good, The Bad, and The Weird

Three Extremes

All In

GI Joe

Want to be totally connected to us and in the know? Follow BWLB on Twitter at blackwomenloveb and KrisE at: K_Kisses_KrisE and couturekitty @ couturekitty

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