[Rerun] What I Love About Bi, IX: His Dance Skill

I think one of Bi’s more obvious talents is his dancing skill. Have you ever seen someone that was doing all the choreographed moves, but it just seemed that their body just didn’t flow with those moves? Not so the case with Bi! He’s got an innate gift in dancing and sometimes he just amazes me. Please understand though, I grew up in America and have seen many great dancers, but I believe Bi is in a class of his own when it comes to entertainers in Asia (please don’t shoot me for my opinion!). He’s naturally athletic, and his body was made for dancing. Don’t know what I mean? Check out Bi gettin’ it crunk in the videos below:

TVXQ’s Yunho Visits Bi in the Army

Good morning all! Just a spot of cute news I just read from CloudUSA! TVXQ’s leader Yunho paid Bi a visit and despite Bi jokingly stating that he only wanted women in high heels and short skirts visiting him, he seems pleased to see his dongsaeng. Grr, if I would’ve known that Yunho was going to make such a visit, I would’ve secretly slipped a package of yummy goodies addressed to Bi into his pocket when I saw him backstage in October. Bummer! Oh well. What I appreciate the most is that Yunho took the time out of his busy schedule to go see about his sunbae.

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Bi’s da Biggest Boss That Ya Seen Thus Far

Bi is BOSS! Why am I stating the obvious? It’s not like we don’t already know this. We are reminded constantly with stories like this, the latest reports from CloudUSA on Bi’s military activities. Baby boy is doing what he does best: putting his all into everything that he does and blowing everyone away! To summarize, Mr. Bi was given the “Special Combatant” award for excelling in his training, which included doing more than 72 push-ups and 82 sit-ups in two minutes, and running 3km in less than 12 minutes and 30 seconds. On top of that, it seems he may have a special talent in sharpshooting, as he also had to hit above 90% of his shooting drills! But this is probably a piece of cake to him, in comparison to his Ninja Assassin training. Below is a photo of Private Jung posing for graduation with his fellow recruits. Big congrats to him on his continued success!

Want to be totally connected to us and in the know? Follow BWLB on Twitter at blackwomenloveb and KrisE at: K_Kisses_KrisE and couturekitty @ couturekitty

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Bi Update 11/17/11

Hey all! Our Bi’s been away for a little over a month now, and I know we all miss him to bits! I’m going to keep you updated on his military activities and reruns on his past work periodically with this new series per CloudUSA‘s ever diligent and loyal coverage. Thanks so much to CloudUSA!!

Private Jihoon Jung Is a Bootcamp Graduate

Some Adorable Bi Gif(t)s For You

Bi’s Press Confererence For His Film “Into the Sun” In October 2011 (Before he enlisted)

Sexy, Hot and Beautiful Bi! *sigh* (thanks to Jiani for directing us to this clip!)

2009 Six To Five Ad Campaign *Gorgeous*

Want to be totally connected to us and in the know? Follow BWLB on Twitter at blackwomenloveb and KrisE at: K_Kisses_KrisE

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What I Love About Bi, IV: His Competitiveness

One Webster’s dictionary definition of “competitiveness” is “having a strong desire to compete or to succeed”. Wouldn’t you agree that Bi has this very quality, that is to say, a “can’t lose” and “need to succeed” attitude? Normally, I don’t like competitive people. They are driven to a fault, and will not let anything or anyone distract them or stand in their way. If you deal with these types of people in the workplace or even in your family, it can be very frustrating and can even cause you to distance yourself from them. However, recognizing this quality from afar in Bi, I find it quite admirable.I think the reason for Bi’s competitiveness is 1) his inborn personality/tendency, and 2) struggles he endured and what he perceived to be the world’s abandonment of him–especially, at a time when he needed its support the most.   He’s been through alot and come a long way, but it wasn’t always so easy for him.  Dealing with the death of his mother and poverty, he knew that he would have to be the best of the best to get where he wanted to go.  For this reason, its no wonder that he is at the top of his game and probably the most popular entertainer in Asia.  At 29, in showbusiness, he’s considered to be “older”, and there are hordes of new male K-pop and Asian acts up and coming, just ready to claim the crown from him as the “King of Pop” (in Asia, at least). He knows this and reinvents his style to appeal to not only loyal fans that have loved and followed him for nearly a decade, but also to new, younger fans.   He has said numerous times that he feels that he has to constantly come up with ways to make himself irreplaceable, and that in order to be unforgettable, he must have the one thing that everyone else doesn’t have.

Have you ever seen him compete physically? If he competes next to other men, his competitiveness really shows. There’s this hungry beast that comes out and puts the other men to shame…nuff said. I do, however, hope that his competitiveness hasn’t taken the joy out of his social and dating life. Speaking of which, I will be blogging sometime later on about what it may be like to date him. Inquiring minds want to know!

Oh, and he probably doesn’t like to be compared either. Case in point: When told by an interviewer that he was considered the “Korean Justin Timberlake” in America, he responded, “I like his music, but…I’m Rain.” Tell ’em Bi 😉

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BKM Hotties of the Week 10-15-11: Special Bi Edition III

Thanks Beautiful Korean Men for the tribute video!! ^^
Wow, knowing full well how hot this guy is, I’m still sweating watching this video! This is the man that all these other youngbloods we fangirl over want to be! School ’em Bi!

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Bi Looking Sexy & Serious In Camo

Thanks to Ajumma Fangirl for posting these great pics of our Sexy Snookums in military gear!!

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2-Year Drought Begins: Bi Enters the Military

I got these pics from CloudUSA (thanks ladies for always staying on top of all things Bi!) and couldn’t help but tear a bit while viewing them.

There he is, Jung Ji Hoon aka world star Rain, looking just as average as the next guy. But there’s nothing average about him! There’s a tiger inside, and although the tiger is much more tame than it was in its earlier days, it is still just as strong, motivated and tenacious. It’s just time for the tiger to rest for a little while.

He looks a bit uneasy. He looks as though he’s holding back some tears, and trying his best to smile. Always the professional, he’s been well-trained to hide his emotions in front of the camera. But his body language does tell a different story.

Don’t worry about anything Hoonie! Do your time, and when you come back, we’ll still be here, waiting for you and we love you! Aja aja, fighting!

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BKM Hotties of the Week 10-8-11: Special Bi Edition II

Facebook-page-after-our-own-hearts “Beautiful Korean Men” has been featuring photos of our soldier boy for the last few days and I would like to thank them! This guy is really amazing, and the Korean entertainment industry will be at a loss during his 2-year mandatory military service, beginning on October 11, 2011.

I don’t want to lose sight of the one reason why I began this blog. That reason is Bi. He introduced me to the intriguing world of K-Pop and so it is my duty to give credit where it is due. During his 2-year absence, I will do my best to feature him regularly so that he is not forgotten, even if for a short while.

I still believe that he is the best in the industry, and so many of the other young men that we’ve featured on this blog look up to him and aspire to be like him, or to be the next him. That speaks for itself.

We’re not going anywhere Jihoon!