From Prankees To Partners

You may remember Kim Sun Ah from one of last year’s post. In a prank aimed at Bi and Sun Ah, she’s the noona that expressed all too well that she was willing to give Bi a chance in love. Bi, on the other hand, declined, saying that he only saw her as a big sister type. I have to admit: Sun Ah has an incredible sense of humor. She took the prank in stride, and was good enough about it to even laugh at herself. I can’t say my reaction would’ve been the same. I hate pranks. I just find them a bit cruel, especially if the target person does not know they are being filmed.

Anyway, she was such a good sport, that I think it resulted in a friendship with Bi that has lasted since that infamous prank. In the clip below, Sun Ah practices “Bad Guy (Tango version)” with Bi. Notice that even though Sun Ah doesn’t want to start practice right away, Bi, all the while warm and joking, insists that they get right to business and rehearse the dance steps. That’s our man! Always on top of his game.

Ahhhhh to be that close to him. Up close and personal. Front and center. Even sweaty he’s gorgeous, and I can only imagine that his scent is somewhere between costly cologne and manly perspiration. I don’t know how Sun Ah can stand it! If that were me, I’d be melting everywhere he touched me, lol. Enjoy!