Top BWLB Posts of 2011

(Top Posts of the year were chosen by having the most views on the blog for the year! 🙂 I believe there were many more notable posts, but these 5 posts got the most attention from readers and unique visitors.)

To all the ladies (and gents) who’ve supported BWLB whereby commenting, contributing, posted or just reading: Thank you for an amazing year! Blackwomenlovebi started off as a simple fan blog for none other than Bi, but slowly it became a place to feature other amazing Asian male artists and entertainers. It hasn’t been all laughs, as we’ve covered stories that have made us sad, pissed us off and left us frustrated. But here we are, still going strong and looking forward to an even better year in 2012!

I’m gonna let you guys in on a little secret: as much as I love Bi and the guys that we’ve featured here, the real reason why I’ve kept up BWLB is because of you. That’s right! I’ve received all of your warm wishes and praise for BWLB and that is what has kept it going. Seriously. So please keep contacting me: whether to tip me off or just to say hi! Now without further ado, please see below BWLB’s top 5 posts of 2011! — Yours Truly, boab81

Lee Taemin: The One To Watch

SHINee lead dancer and vocalist Taemin, 18, is destined for solo stardom. He’s like a cute little dancing machine…read more here.

We Just Love Bi’s Body

See more pics here.

Nichkhun Horvejkul: Thai Prince of K-pop

2PM member and Thai-American Nichkhun Horvejkul, 23, has angelic good-looks and a sweet, kind demeanor to match…read more here.

Is Telisha After Junsu?

Telisha Shaw, is a 32-year-old American dancer who has been accused (by hatin’ JYJ fans) of trying ‘get all up on dat’ aka JYJ Junsu. You go girl! Hehe…read morehere.

Would You Stay With a Possessive Boyfriend If He Was Mblaq’s Joon?

While I’m on my MBLAQ kick, I thought I’d comment on this. Joon always keeps it real. It seems he has no shame whatsoever…read more here.

Want to be totally connected to us and in the know? Follow BWLB on Twitter at blackwomenloveb and KrisE at: K_Kisses_KrisE

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About bitofabelly81

Who I am Bitofabelly81 aka boab81, founder of Black Women Love Bi (BWLB): An Asian Men Appreciation Blog Why Because I love Bi/Rain/비/Jung Jihoon. I have never been inspired to start a blog/site for any celebrity/public figure, until I learned about Bi. He is the whole reason this blog exists. If it weren't for him, I would know nothing about the world of K-pop (which I adore), nor would I care. I am also a big fan of Japan and all things Japanese. I strive to feature men of all Asian ethnicities on the blog, but since K-pop and Hallyu are very popular, this blog has a tendency to lean more towards features on Korean men. Follow me on Twitter blackwomenloveb Find BWLB on Facebook here Wanna drop me a tip? Wanna say hi? Wanna say anything? Email me at

13 thoughts on “Top BWLB Posts of 2011

  1. Im surprised the Black Face didn’t make the cut. Keep up the good work BOA!! With out you, I wouldn’t have a place to share my fascination/disgust with K Pop. Thank you everyone for sharing and have a Happy New Year.

  2. WOW! I really enjoy coming on here and just read and commenting. 🙂 I hope there will be more stuff to post about: from good to bad, from shocking to surprise, from anger and disgust to tears and sadness and more hot guys to drool over. I hope next year, we do post acts from China/Taiwan, Japan, Malaysia, etc.

  3. First, Happy New Year everybody!!!! Thanks so much for this site. I found this site when I thought I was going alittle on far side. Thanks so much BOAB!! I like this site and really look forward to reading the comments and being able to communicate with people who I feel like kinda understand where Im coming from, esp with kpop and my love for Bi, my boo… oops our prince Rain lol. Thanks to all of the bloggers on here and the ladies who comment on here. It’s too many people on here Iike on here to list names. Honestly, I really like everybody. Really, even though sometimes we may not agree. We all respect each other. Thank all you!!! Have a great New Year!!!!!!

  4. Thanks for this blog. I’m glad I finally decided to join in on the fun and post my opinions with you guys. I hope 2012 continues to bring great news for us to discuss.

  5. Well I must wish you a happy New year and your blog continue to be successful. Oh yeah, I’m curious about Taemin. I’m still thinking about his ” christening” to manhood by that Afro-Brazilain dancer. I also underestimated Joon. Initially, I thought that he was out of his mind saying he’ll call his potential girlfriend 100 times. Don’t get me wrong, I still wouldn’t want to with a man who does that to me and wouldn’t tolerate it,but I gave him a little slack after discovering he was bipolar. Sometimes, he still can say some off beat things like him going out and be willing to have more kids to quell the shortage of them in Quite sure he had a lot of takers for that one…lol!

    Nichkun fooled me. I didn’t know that he was quite that! I was listening to . I was looking at him at some of those fitness magazine he was on..Jesus Christ!! and that Coke Zero ad that he and Taecyon..OMFreaking..God! Awesome.I liked it that way. Looking like the boy next door , then a super hottie the next. Although Rain is in the military, I will always pay homage to him. It was him that brought South Korea the high status. No matter how may Kpop entertainers are created, i will always give Rain all the praise. I hope hell get out soon.

    The topic that caught my eye the most on here is about Telisha and Xiah Junsu. It was just beyond ridiculous how racist some of those fangirls were. Other than going on a solo project, I really haven’t heard that much from her. I still hope that she will work with JYJ. They act like JYJ are dating them. With racist like some of those fangirls, I hope that their favorite “oppas” will give them and eyeful and the surprise of their everloving lives!

    I’m surprised that you did add you and Angel’s experience at the Kpop concerts as your top picks. I don’t know about you two ,but the stories was quite amusing, learning about the true personalities of some of those singers a s I got to learn. I’m hoping that a Kpop festival will come to my town one day,but until then, I will have to look on here to get tidbits about it.

    • @ladies: apologies for not clarifying how the top posts were chosen!! They are actually the posts that had the most views on the blog for the year! 🙂 So yes, I believe there were many more notable posts, but these 5 posts got the most attention from readers and unique visitors.

      • I when I was looking at my post, I noticed that forgot to add your experience on there. that wasn’t my intention. Forgive me for that mistake( I get blind while I was sleepy while at the same writing from my living room floor. You got some real nuts that come out on New Years with their firecrackers and guns),but I really enjoyed them. To be honest there were a lot of them that you said could have been picked from here. I also wanted to mention about the other bloggers topics as well but I wasn’t sure if that wanted to be done separately. I’m looking forward to reading more goodies from you and the rest of the gang on here

  6. Happy new years!! * woot!*
    I’m so happy I stumbled upon this blog!
    I find this site to be very refreshing and quite nice ^.^
    I also really enjoyed all the articles (thank you authors!) and I hope to see a lot through out 2012
    This year I am going to try and be more involved, but we shall see 🙂
    Have a happy news years everyone and be safe!

  7. Hey everyone!

    Happy 2012! First, thank you all for accepting me as a blogger on here and of course a big thank you to BOAB for trusting me and allowing me to write about pretty much whatever crosses my mind ^_^ Its been so much fun and its only going to get better! So what should you all expect this year?!?!

    First off G Dragon giving us an epic sounding “two thouuuuusaaaaand and tweleveeeeeee” in BIG BANG song intros.

    New KDRAMA posts, New Boy groups (EXOPLANET WE’RE WAITING!!!)

    And best of all BOAB and I have spent the last 2 months working on a super secret project that we’ll be releasing soon!

    Theres going to be sooo much more fun, interaction, crazy ideas and hot guys coming your way this 2012 that I hope you stick around for it!

    Be safe, Stay positive, welcome 2012 with open arms and a new outlook and lastly send happy thoughts and kind wishes to the people of Japan…. Another natural disaster is not the best way to start of a new year.

    K-Kisses! KrisE

    • KrisE,

      I really want to thank you for coming to the blog. Your posts have been so entertaining /hilarious and insightful. Many of your comments have been similar to the way I feel. I thought the posts dedicated to K- dramas was a good idea. It was also nice to find another fellow Super Junior fan.

      Most of all I want to thank you for staying positive or at least trying to stay positive on the subjects being discussed.

      • Aww no problem and I’m glad I could be a relatable voice ^_^ SuJu foreverrrrrrrr hahaha

  8. Happy New Year to all! I have enjoyed my daily “pilgrimage” to this site and will continue to do so…daily! Thank you for all the great articles and the food for thought!

    Best to all in the new year!

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