Boom’s Stevie Impersonation: To be pissed, or not to be pissed

That is the question. Now, before I go any further, I just want to say that since this post discusses race, some feelings may be hurt and some people may be offended. That is not my intent. But rather, I will simply examine if I should expend energy on this incident that occurred a few days ago.

Read about Boom’s Stevie Wonder impersonation here.

To be pissed?
You can bet your bottom dollar! Knee-jerk reaction is to go off! How incredibly insensitive! Boom can be such a tool sometimes. He looks like a straight up idiot with some of the things he’s had to do in shows he’s hosted. And although it seems that Super Junior should know better: how much creative control do they really have? Are they puppets too, that just comply with whatever the show directors and writers demand? Maybe someone who knows them better can answer this.

Frankly, I’m quite exhausted from getting angry at people who make stupid, ignorant comments or actions. I’m just tired. But when I saw Boom’s impersonation, I just got upset. What makes it worse is that this certainly is not the first time that Korean stars have been caught up in performing blackface to impersonate real Black people or Black people in general (I will not include any examples as it only feeds my frustration). Do they have any idea of the history of blackface?

This makes me think back to when I visited Tokyo for the first time, and while looking around in a gift shop, I noticed a blackface mask hanging right along with other masks. My immediate impulse was to go to the store owner and say, “excuse me, sir. I find that mask extremely offensive. Take it down!” Although I didn’t do that, I still couldn’t believe my eyes. I also couldn’t believe that this ignorance was so far-reaching. It was a real eye-opener. I wondered if that’s what Japanese people saw when they looked at me.

Not to be pissed?
Let me ask you all this question: would there have been a right way for Boom to have done the Stevie impersonation? Or should he not have touched it at all? Once again, I think Boom is used as a tool sometimes and does what he’s asked (afterall, he just got out of the army and I’m sure he’s fiendin’ for a job).

Back to the mask incident. I thought better of screaming at the shop owner to take the mask down. I was in Japan. Japan One of the most homogenous countries in the world! Sensitivity to diversity is probably not at the top of Japan’s foreign policy. Isn’t it the same case with South Korea? What they need is sensitivity to diversity training 🙂 Any thoughts on how we can give it to them?

I really have to remind myself. Before I became so familiar with Japanese people and culture, I didn’t know them from Koreans, or Chinese, and didn’t care. I couldn’t imagine dating an Asian guy because they seemed so different, so….alien. My thoughts back in the day (literally): “They’re too short”, “They eat cats”, “It’s so annoying that they can’t distinguish rs from ls”, etc. SERIOUSLY. I was straight-up ignorant. I didn’t hate them. I just knew nothing about them. So when K-pop stars make seemingly malicious comments about my people, or do they things that are offensive, the only thing that goes through my mind is that they are terribly underexposed and are in serious need of exposure to diversity. Not just black people, but to everyone! Once you travel the world and meet the many diverse peoples in it, it’s really hard to continually be ignorant, methinks. There are probably no black people in their surroundings, and so have no other frame of reference than what they’ve seen on tv or in music videos (dear Lord). So, to Boom, SUJU, Taeyeon, Seungri, and whoever else (K-pop star or not) is a bit confused about black people: do your research. Find out about the people who you so sorely want to imitate but don’t want to be. Know that you have fans who are black, and those people love you and defend you despite the insensitive things that you say and do. Educate yourself. We’re not mad atcha. But we are disappointed. You guys are the popular culture leaders of your generation. You have alot more power than you may think you have. Use it.

So..I guess I’ve chosen to not be pissed about this one. Moving on…

131 thoughts on “Boom’s Stevie Impersonation: To be pissed, or not to be pissed

  1. I think being not pissed is the best choice. I do think they are undereducated about the diferent culture around but I don’t think much of that and leave it at that. I don’t think they even think there’s a problem with that, which is the problem lol. I’ve read tasha who is the wife of tiger jk, she shared her feeings and said it did hurt her but said that Black people should be strong and not take offence because it was done unitentionlly to hurt Black people or anyone one else. I think they should’ve thought twice but there’s history to Blackface and whenever I see it I think that I can’t always get mad at that, because if I did than ii should start doing that.

  2. My .02

    I wish I could say that I’m shocked, but I’m not. Not at all. Asians overseas have been doing blackface and making us look like criminals for ages, so why should this be any different? It’s funny that we soften the blow to our feelings/pride/etc by giving them the “under-exposed” excuse when the picture painted before us is pretty crystal.

    My father is Asian. His family are Asians, and with the exception of my aunt, they are absolutely racist. Both here in America, and back in their country. They, and the people they call friends, know exactly what they’re doing and saying when they insult black people. It’s not a question of not being exposed to us. Ive had no relationship with them since birth. That’s not a coincidence.

    I like Korean/Japanese, etc music and such, but I don’t close my eyes to how they feel about blacks (and no, not everyone is this way, but a fat section of them are and it’s impossible to ignore). They know full and effin’ well that doing blackface is an insult. Sort of like that group Bubblegirls, or whatever they were called. They were doing blackface on album covers because they were purposely associating black with ugly.

    Or like Boys Over Flowers, or some such. Isn’t it funny that they show the poor, lost Japanese girl in Times Square where she gets her luggage stolen by a black male, and in her pursuit of him, gets hemmed up in an alley (There are no alleys in time sq btw. Eyeroll.) with four or five more black males who proceed to roll up on her like they’re going to gang-rape her while hitting her with a basketball and spitting curses.

    This imagery isn’t an accident, so, yeah, I think Boom, or whoever he is, knew just what he was doing. But this was a “laugh” for his own people. I don’t think they ever really realize that their idiocy gets broadcasted to the world thanks to the net. Or maybe they do, and as usual, just don’t care. After all, when they sing their non-English songs, they’re not singing to us, are they? So they don’t expect the music to be purchased by us, and therefore, there will be no repercussions in the way of sales or protests- from us. And as long as we continue to provide them with an excuse for this behavior, they have absolutely no reason to change.

  3. My issue is that they KEEP doing stuff like this, black face and the little comments. They know Kpop is international AND they know how pissed the international fans get about these incidents. It’s not the first time, it has been explained to them time and time again. A lot of them don’t care. Oooooo, I would so love to interview them as a black kpop fan.

  4. @DaGrrrl,

    I agree100%! like BOAB81 it does get tiring as a Black person to have to CONSTANTLY feel anger towards complete ignorance, but I guess I can’t help it. Now am I so angry that I want to put my fist through a wall, no, but I do feel that we should never forget certain aspects of the past. As the future, is not always certain. I am in my 40s and in the grand scheme of life still considered fairly young. Our people have only been allowed to Vote, in earnest, only as long as I have been alive on this earth. THAT’S what puts issues like this into perspective for me. Should this guy be given a “pass”…….hell no. Because, as a people we are not so far removed (as in years gone by) from this type of historical, racial degradation. Wasn’t that long ago. So to get to a place where “oh it’s no big deal he was just being funny,” boggles the mind.

    I agree wholeheartedly, that these artists Know Enough about Black culture to emulate our music and song styling (homogenous country or not) so when they do ignorant skits like this one…..They Know EXACTLY what they are doing, it just doesn’t cost them anything. There are no repercussions from Black Americans and there aren’t enough Blacks in their country to challenge that mess either. So they will continue to offend, until heaven forbid somebody gets hurt, literally. A couple years ago Miley Cyrus and some of her friends took a picture that hit the internet with them pulling at their eyes as if to imitate someone of Asian descent (yes, there was an Asian in the photo as well). Asian organizations, were up in arms, demanding an apology, etc. Some people were like that’s so wrong, while others were like Oh she’s just having some fun with her friends. I can honestly say, I have never felt the need to pull at my eyes in mock imitation of Asian people……for what? So why the need to put on kinky hair wigs, dark makeup and fake big lips to mock my people? Racial insensitivity should NEVER be OK. I don’t give a damn what country it’s done in. Judging by the comments I read at the linked article, we live in a time where many who are younger don’t always place the same negative connotation on racially offensive commentary as someone my age may. It saddens me and quite frankly frightens me a bit. We excuse away too many “wrongs” in this world.

  5. @BiAlamode

    I saw the comments, too, and some of them were shamelessly ignorant. Just by the approach you could tell that many were not black, and therefore, had no clue as to just how hurtful that kind of imagery is to us. Their only goal was to excuse and shelter their favorite pop-tarts by once again claiming that we -as in blacks- are too sensitive and they meant no harm.

    Puh-leeze, children.

    There was one comment, though, that put the shoe on the other foot. She said, what if Justin Timberlake or Usher painted their skin yellow, threw on buck teeth and pretended to be Jackie Chan. Who’d be laughing then? Certainly not Asians. Miley Cyrus was stupid for pulling that stunt (When does she ever look smart?), but it’s mild in comparison to blackface and “nappy” wigs.

    Like you mentioned -and what we all know- they steal and emulate our music, fashion, and to an extent, personas. Yet, they fix their faces to openly mock us on these grand scales (Television, live shows). How dare they, when truth be told, most of their “scene” really belongs to us. Instead of paying homage, or at the very least, being thankful and giving credit where it’s rightfully due, they turn their noses up at us as if they actually thought of that stuff themselves. And, of course, we all too readily make excuses for their behavior.

    They will never get any bigger than Korea/Japan/China/Thailand if they don’t pull their heads out of their collective asses and realize that the world doesn’t just consist of Asia, but is a rainbow of shades and cultures that all have something significant to offer.

    • @DaGrrrl,

      Yep, these “whippersnappers”………….what can you do? Those comments……the “nonchalantness” of it all was very, very disturbing. As a people we’ve had a tough row to hoe, haven’t we? Asians aren’t the only group of people to, shall I say, “borrow” from Black people and we could go on and on about that, but the Mocking that’s what “rubs me raw” and that’s what you wish these youngins would really see. Hey, you wanna do a skit about Stevie Wonder……..sing some Stevie songs, we’ll get who you’re talking about, but you don’t have to put the “stank on it” by adding a nappy wig, dark makeup and fake lips. I did say once before on this blog that if each Black person was given a nickel for every time someone, somewhere in the world performed or did anything rooted in Black culture…..we’d all be rich. I have to say I don’t have a problem with people admiring us and even emulating (to a certain degree) because after all, we are some Bad Mamma Jamma’s. BUT when you Mock my people and in essence forget “from whence your dance steps came,” then as far as I’m concerned you don’t have/shouldn’t have the right to profit financially from what comes natural to a people you so obviously deem inferior.

  6. Initial reaction WTF!!! How could any of these guys think this is funny. Really.. This really makes me want yo write an open letter to this broadcasting company, because this is not the first time and sadly I don’t think its the last. I agree with the statement of them knowing something about black ppl or atleast culture. How can u look at this and think its funny esp these artist. If they ever decide to cross over here to the US and some if not most of them do. How are they gonna justify this or being associated with this type of behavior.

  7. @ BiAlamode

    “we’ll get who you’re talking about, but you don’t have to put the “stank on it” by adding a nappy wig, dark makeup and fake lips.”


    And yes, the nonchalant, business as usual way those comments were going really speaks to just how little respect blacks seem to have -especially online where the really brave ones can lip off, knowing that they won’t immediately get their butts whooped. (When I found out about that Telisha/Junsu thing, I wanted to beat some heads in after I read those nasty, racist comments!)

    And that’s true; they’re not the only one copying our every move, but they seem to be the ones who are quick to paint their faces and that’s why they stand out as being amongst the most racist. I don’t like SuJu -no offense to anyone- but they suck to me and always have (the fanservice is just… no.). But if I did like them, I’d cut them off after this and that Boom kid isn’t even on my radar.

    There needs to be a line, ya know? I simply can’t/won’t/don’t believe that they (as in the stunt-pullers) don’t fully understand how insulting their antics are. I suppose the attitude is that they can do what they want over there because they’re in their own country, but by that same respect, then get your own swag and stay in Asia. Don’t try to tour here, don’t sell records here, don’t try to break into industries that are filled with black people -like the American music market. If you’re going to be racist, be true to it completely.

    And to all of the actors that take those roles -like the Boys Over Flowers “hoodlums”: I know you have bills to pay, but sometimes pride is more important. Don’t help the false stereotypes by accepting roles that make your people look like killers, rapists, thugs, and thieves.

  8. @bitofabelly81 Thank you! Thank you for writing this. Thank you for writing this from both angles. I guess I should take a lesson from you and write from both angles when I write my articles so people won’t feel the need to bring up negative stuff to ruin the mood. It’s good to be informed about all aspects but do we have to rain on the parade?

    I saw this story on Twitter last week and for some reason, I didn’t get offended. I didn’t care. I guess because I saw who was doing it and those three members of Super Junior who participated in it are not the ones I particularly cared for anyway. Then again, you had a good point….they might have been told to do this and just went along with it. Who knows?

    Was it done in poor taste? Was it disappointing? Sure. Am I going to stop listening to Super Junior’s music or K-Pop music period? No way. Gimme a break!

    I do think as K-Pop music continues to spread worldwide and K-Pop artists get exposed to other cultures of people, perhaps they’ll eventually take the hint and learn what’s racially offensive to others and whether or not they can joke about it.

    • Choi Min Jung said,

      “I saw this story on Twitter last week and for some reason, I didn’t get offended. I didn’t care. I guess because I saw who was doing it and those three members of Super Junior who participated in it are not the ones I particularly cared for anyway.”

      Therein lies the problem as far as I’m concerned. You assume everyone who reads your articles or your posts KNOWS who Super Junior and any number of K-Pop groups are and that is not necessarily so. I’m an admirer of Bi, but I don’t know half of these K-Pop groups discussed on this blog, but I’ve enjoyed learning about them. Secondly, just because this Stevie Wonder skit wasn’t offensive to you, does not mean the person “sitting next to you” is not totally and completely offended by it. As a reporter, you can’t just push aside the feelings of those who read your words or your interpretation of events, because they don’t coincide with yours. It’s about perspective and my perspective is no less than yours.

      I don’t know Super Junior from “Adam” but this controversy is my first introduction to Super Junior and I can honestly say I’m no longer interested in knowing Super Junior because I feel offended by them personally. Are they really nice guys, just trying to be funny?….Maybe, but when you use the “World Stage” as a platform for profit, Everything you do is subject to scrutiny and judgement, ESPECIALLY when you choose to Mock a people you Clearly emulate.

      As ATLSis said, these K-Pop groups are trying to move into new markets and spread their Asian culture to the rest of the world, WELL my Asian friends it is MOST DEFINITELY not just about Korea or whatever part of Asia you’re from anymore. The WORLD SEES YOU and what you do. Lastly, this blog was created to APPRECIATE the Asian male and some have expressed their intentions of having an Asian male as a life partner. IMO, I would hope those who do would want to know those men and their culture in its ENTIRETY….the good and the bad. Choi Min Jung, I’m not trying to give you a hard time either, BUT you can’t always want to keep it “light and fluffy” when it comes to introducing these artists to the world. Disrespect, is disrespect whoever it comes from. I’m a person that wants ALL the information about someone/something so that I can make a THOROUGH, Well Thought Out and INFORMED decision as to where I’d like to place my time and efforts and in whom.

    • Choi Min Jung,

      It’s kind of ironic that you said that you did not get offended because when my daughter saw this, she couldn’t understand why people were getting upset. I think it can also be a generation thing. Young kids really don’t have a frame of reference for some forms of racism. When I explained to my kids the history of the “blackface”, they now get it. I did ask her if she was still a fan of Super Junior and she said “yes”. She told me that what Boom did was “disgusting and wrong” but most of these K-Pop idols are puppets and like, her, probably had no clue that what he was doing was offensive. She met several of the members of Suju last year and said that they were extremely nice. One of the members in that picture even told my daughter that she was “so gorgeous”. So, do I think they are racist no, but definitely not educated on black culture.

  9. not good! I wonder how Stevie( ironic, that I said his last name) would feel about this.

    I agree with Bialamode and others on here, that kind of stuff should never be acceptable in nobody’s culture. Now don’t get me wrong, I know that Korea is a homogeneous country and that things like Black history/culture aren’t in that country and I do not expect for every Korean to know a lot about me and community. However, with Blackface that is a different story.It has been a problem in our community for decades . Even if they don’t know about black culture,blackface is one of those things that they should know better than to do, especially when some of those K-pop singers have gotten in big trouble for doing it. That should tell them something right there.

    I was reading what some of those guys wrote on the Lovelyish website. With people like that I already know that some of them aren’t really interested in understanding Black history and/or culture because if they did, they wouldn’t be saying some of the crappy things they are saying. No matter how much they try to excuse it, there is none for it and I’m not going to make people think it’s ok to disrespect me like that. To me, for people to ignore our feelings are probably the same ones who think it’s ok to call Black people the “n” word.

    There was a commenter who on Lovely who had that ” What stays in Vegas Stays in Vegas” mentality. She feels that just because it took place in Korea that it’s none of Black folks business. Yes, if I’m a non-Korean, I should respect their customs,however, blackface isn’t a Korean custom and if she thinks that only Black people had problems with Black face ,then she should talk to some Jews,who could have/ may have found what one of their entertainers done to be highly offensive when he dressed like a Nazi. Not long ago, there was a place in Korea that was controversial because if the theme of Nazism being in it. Not long ago, many Asians,rightfully so, was offended when Alexandra Wallace mimicked Asians on YT and recently another girl for mocking their features.Korea wants to be a hip country,but what some of those people don’t realize is that once you want to open up to the world, it can no longer be just about Korea only. It has to be about every one else. Otherwise, you can’t be a hip country and put down people that don’t look like you.That racism will only make them lose more than they will gain.

    If you ask me, it was very racist and during the crisis in Japan, beyond insensitive. As an AA and a minority, I have no right to look down on another minority or anybody else no matter who they are and I would never do that,but I will guarantee that if I would have pulled an ” Alexandra” number on some of those guys I would get cursed out for it as was rightfully done to her. But some of those guys on that website think it’s a joke and that we should just accept it. No , i will not because it is some of these same people who thinks that all Black people lives in ghettos, have no class, lazy and violent. They will look at TV or listen to what somebody told them without actually doing their own research about it and as a result, some of us are hated because of it. They don’t even have to meet us, just say the word Black and they already “know” you already.

  10. This stuff is tiring! I’ve seen so much of this stuffs in K-pop and K-variety shows and now J- variety shows, I’m too numb to react to it, anymore. I, personally, do not want any K-pop or J-pop music in US, if they do not stop the racism towards black people or any other ethnic groups. America already has it own racial problems, we don’t need theres added on.

    At this point, I’m leaving it up to God. If you want to help and try to stopped the racism in Korea, you can sign this petition. Here’s the link

    • @Girl1984

      ‘ll definitely sign that. And I agree, we shouldn’t be good enough to purchase their wares if we’re not good enough for common courtesy and respect.

      • good 🙂

        hopefully things might change. if not, at least, we tried to change things. thanks to the wonderful beautiful girl or woman who started the petition- I can’t remember her name.

  11. Everyone–Let’s take a step back for a minute. I guess this is all my fault, because I asked Min Jung to write articles about Super Junior and any other Korean or Asian artists she wanted to, since I so sorely needed the support and didn’t know one thing about them. She is passionate about Super Junior and that is her right. She isn’t passionate about what they did/were involved in. Everyone who’s commented on this post has a valid point, and your opinion need not be minimized. But if we really want to get somewhere, why don’t we discuss how we can help folks like Boom and Super Junior understand that what they’re doing is wrong, hurtful and unacceptable? Anybody got any ideas? Let’s start with signing this petition: I’ve just signed it, and 71 more signatures are needed to get this thing to the next level! What say you!

      • Well, we have your much appreciated blog where we can discuss these types issues and still be fangirls, but I was thinking on the Seoulbeats and AllKpop level. Does anyone know the actual amount of black kpop fans there are? I don’t know. I know you put in a lot of ime here. Im guess im just thinking that the others site, except maybe Seoulbeats don’t take theses issues seriously and most times the people that respond on those sites can’t and/or wont comprehend why we react the way we do.

        BTW.. after I had thought about it some more, I was goona suggest contacting the korean/english newspapers. My next thought was envoy.

        Excuse typos. Im responding from my phone 😦

    • @BOAB81, there’s nothing wrong with asking someone to write an article on a subject they are passionate about. Nothing wrong with what you did, nothing wrong with what she did. She, however, “touched a nerve” and we collectively said “ouch”. While I stand by my point, on the other post I did say I hope she continues with her writing and try not to get upset when people disagree with something you’ve put forth. This is How you spark dialogue.

      As far as what you asked, In order for those in the K-Pop groups and those of Asian descent to know what is wrong and hurtful, they (people of Asian descent) need to start Engaging us on this blog. If you are of Asian descent, don’t just read what we say, JOIN the discussion. I for one would like to know how it is in Your country, how racial issues are approached in Your country, from your perspective. This is how change begins. I can’t know what you find offensive and you can’t know what I find offensive…and WHY until you talk about it. Change can only begin when issues are voiced.

      • @BiAlamode: my concern is that those people of Asian descent will never speak up, so I think we need to come up with an alternative means of addressing this matter. I will be contacting the Korea Times shortly and ask them to cover this issue. I’ll report the status/progress to everyone here!

  12. @bitofabelly81 Thank you. Thank you for what you just said. I’m really tired of this whole subject….well, being attacked for it that is.

    Yes, everyone’s opinion on both sides of this issue do indeed matter and I’m very grateful that at least YOU realize my main focus in this article was to highlight a young man getting a “second chance” ……..and my justifiable irritation at the focus and subject of my article being completely shifted in another direction by someone else. I am and will continue to be passionate about Super Junior and most importantly……positive. Hopefully, one or two people on this blog will be able to appreciate that.

    Like you said, I don’t condone what some of the members did in this situation but if I want to highlight negativity, then I’ll write an article specifically for that purpose at a later time……..

  13. Oh damn, whoops I’m sorry bitofabelly I should have read your comment before posting I was so frustrated (not pissed) I just went to comment instead of reading the comments, I didn’t even read the story, lol. I’m sorry. Now I say like kind of mentioned before in my other comment(you can delete my previous comment bitofabelly, if you want to, it wouldn’t bother me). I say someone black dress up as a Korean in yellow face, eyes pulled back mimicking Korean or Korean Groups (with eyeliner) dancing to Korean songs. Of course they wouldn’t like it, maybe if someone or some black people does Asian/Yellow face, black face will stop. The reason(in my opinion) why Koreans or East Asians period do Black face is because they have never seen a race do Yellow/Asian face, mimicking their language and everything. I say do it back, yeah I know it sounds harsh but it may just work, y’know get a taste of their own medicine.

  14. @Choi.
    No one is attacking you. There is a generational gap going on here. Those who are taking this situation lightly really do not know the implication of “blackface.” Many of us came up in the era whenever we saw a blackface comic/minstrels show; we knew it was making fun of black people. Big red lips, big nose, dark skin, were called ugly and also “We,” as black people, were called animals, dogs, darkies, porch monkeys, apes etc. Individuals who are doing this KNOW what they are doing. You can’t simply say we don’t understand because it is not in my country, that’s bulls***. They don’t care! If they listened to some of the lyrics of the artist they are trying to portray, they will know the struggle black people went through, and are still going through. This Boom person should have research Steve Wonder and saw the days of his Dashikis, braided hair wearing, raise the afro-fist-up high proud black man. We grew up watching the Warner Bros cartoons with offensive connotations like the mag pies, mammies wearing slave type housedress, headscarves. It wasn’t so long ago the brand Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben were made into more modern attire they were from this racist Jim Crow, Al Jolson era.

    Why is it that in countries (homogeneous) which dislike blacks the most are the ones with the incidents of blackface and other racist antics? It is too easy to turn a blind eye and want to sweep everything under the rug. “If we can’t see it, we won’t deal with it.” Look how hard a time the President is having. The verbal attacks/antics on his family are just horrible. If we do not respect ourselves, other countries will not either.

    A couple of years ago the jazz crooner Harry Connick Jr. denounced a singing group on a Australian variety show because they came out wearing blackface and wigs trying to impersonate Michael Jackson. If others would stand up to this non-sense, these type of occurrences wouldn’t’ happen. Yet on the Oprah Australian show, the producers were shock to see “Mamie dolls” on store shelves. Most would think the most powerful woman in the world would have said something about it…..she could’ be bothered, perhaps??? However, she made an entire show of how she was embarrassed because Harrods’s did not recognize her and would let her into the infamous store.

    So again, this was not a personal attack on you Choi or your writing. Dialogue and open discussion is all we want between African American, Asians, Africans and anyone interested. How are we going to get past this with understanding, if we do not communicate with one another?

    Btw, petition signed.
    Am I pissed? No, just really annoyed.

  15. Petition signed. I was offended years ago when I would see Asians made to look like bucktooth idiots. Especially Micky Rooney’s portrayel in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. This was all before my love of K-Pop, Bi, K-dramas, etc. We just all need to be more mindful of everyone’s feeing.

  16. Well put.

    And for the record, since I was amongst the “vocal” ones, I want it to be known that at no point was I talking to, or about you, Choi. I don’t know you at all, so there would be no reason. In fact, I didn’t know you had any connection to the article I read that denounced the incident.

    Everything I said is my honest opinion, mostly brought on by what I’ve personally experienced and the -far too many- examples I’ve seen online from Asian entertainers. None of my opinion has changed, but I felt it necessary to echo the sentiments of the others in letting you know that you weren’t being attacked, and in my case, you had no connection to what I was trying to express whatsoever since I didn’t realize you were directly involved in the article.

    I believe Asians overseas know more about black people than they let on (They would have to study us to some extent in order to emulate us so well) and denying that they do gives them (Or rather, us) a ready-made excuse when they say/do racist things that are socially unacceptable. That’s where my personal frustration lies, but it’s one opinion in many, and I don’t expect everyone to agree.

  17. Not to beleaguer this issue, but this video brings the point home. As LadyOrchid said there is definitely a generational gap here, as far as how sensitive this issue is. I will preface this video by saying the commentator is RAW with his opinion and while I don’t completely agree with the Specific Way in which he Delivers his commentary. However, I can’t argue that some of his points are indeed valid. I would advise discretion in viewing this video, but this is why the topic should never be ignored, whereever is rears its head in the world.

    Here’s the flip side of what this argument should be.

  18. I saw his trilogy of videos on this a few weeks ago. This guy… I’ll just say he’s really something and his words, albeit sharp, are indeed worth considering.

    And yeah -Bubble sisters! I knew I was butchering that!

  19. After reading many of the comments and being a Black women who is a fan of Kpop music, I believe that we must keep educating the world that this is insulting to us as Human Beings. We
    must remember that we own our emotions and if we “choose” to be upset that is an individual
    right. I “choose” to send “LOVE and FORGIVENESS” with the intention of letting the world know
    in any form of media and communication that this is not acceptable. My chosen words would be, I love you, Forgive me, I am sorry, Thank you (ho-o-pono-pono ~ ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness). The way this practice goes is that you repeat these words to your self with the other person in mind. Just think, if all the people who commented and read this blog just repeated those words daily with that entertainer in mind, it would be interesting what the result would be. The bottom line is this whatever emotion you choose to have we must forgive.
    Forgive them for there lack of knowledge and forgive ourselves for our emotions.

  20. @LadyOrchid I see. O.k. I understand what you mean as far as folks from different generations having different perspectives and feelings on this. That makes sense. I guess I was just so focused on the subject I was writing about and the uplifting aspects regarding it and getting that point across, when I noticed the focus being shifted by someone else into a whole new aspect I wasn’t even trying to or going to address at that time……I said to myself “Whoa! Huh?? What just happened here?” The subject went from surviving a near-death experience to a “blackface controversy”. I wasn’t angry at people disagreeing with my support for Super Junior but I felt like what I was trying to address in the first place quickly got overlooked. It was never my intention to sweep anything under the rug but I wasn’t focused on this “blackface controversy” as others were so it may have appeared that way. I thank you for your response to this…..

    @DaGrrrl lolol Yeah, I think some didn’t know my direct/indirect connection to this article regarding the “blackface contoversy” because I wasn’t the one who brought this subject up. I kinda got pulled into it because of how I reacted to it once it was brought up. But again, just because I wasn’t pissed off by this controversy doesn’t mean I think it’s right. I understand your frustrations. I thank you for your responses as well….

  21. @Choi

    I completely see why you were like “Whoa -how did that turn into this?” It typhoon’d so quickly your name wasn’t even involved anymore, lol. I thought it was something the blogger at Lovelyish (Hope I didn’t butcher that) had written solely based on the blackface. I had no idea that it spawned from an entirely different article and definitely want to reiterate that (IMO) no one here was trying to bully you. 🙂

  22. I think DaGrrrl said it best when she said “I wish I could say that I’m shocked, but I’m not. Not at all”. Unfortunately, this doesn’t surprise me at all. The blackface was pure ignorance and he should have known better but they really don’t see anything wrong with it in their culture. As everyone knows, my husband is 1/2 Japanese and trust me, not all Asians are racists but….. The younger generation is definitely better because they are more exposed to different people, but don’t believe for a second that the older generation will ever fully accept any ‘foreigners’ be they white, black, hispanic or other asians. Yes, they will be nice to your face but behind your back is another thing. Asian people in general are very Ethnocentric. I feel fortunate that I do have a good relationship with my husband’s family but it took several years to get to this point. We’ve been together since college and married for 15 years now.

    However, I choose not to get pissed about this incident. It’s just a waste of energy and what will it change? Yes, we know it was ignorant and racist but this stuff has been happending for years. Keep in mind that when the CEO of SM Entertainment talks about “moving into new markets and success in the Western world”, they are not referring to blacks, hispanics etc. I think in their minds, the black fanbase is not “signficant” so being sensitive to that cultural fanbase is not a priority. However, if you take a look at YG Entertainment, they definitely have a different mindset and embraces the black fanbase. Things will never change unless they want it to change. Just my 2 Cents 🙂

    • Isn’t SM a trip? I haven’t been in K-pop long, but I haven’t heard many nice things about them, especially when it comes to the blackballing of JYJ on music programs. So, I can’t say that I’m shocked about the overall attitude coming out of there.

      Think I’ll go take a peek into YG… 😀

      • @dagrrl: i was just thinking that. I know you were saying you’d look into YG (big bang, 2ne1?), but i heard that Seungri of bigbang had made an ignorant comment….but on the other hand…I really truly believe JYP artists wouldn’t be caught dead saying/doing such careless things. I believe Jin Young Park has too much of a history with black American artists and I feel its possible that his young Korean understudies/artists are given some sort of training, whether it be african american cultural history or what have you. His artists seem more in the know…

  23. @AngelFace,

    I agree.

    You said, “…….the CEO of SM Entertainment talks about “moving into new markets and success in the Western world”, they are not referring to blacks, hispanics etc. I think in their minds, the black fanbase is not “signficant” so being sensitive to that cultural fanbase is not a priority.”

    That’s what I find Hilarious, it cracks me the hell up that the CEO you mentioned said that. My response to him would be……….”Good luck with that.”

    I laugh when I think about all these young K-Pop groups at their k-pop “boot camps” before they debut , just dancing their little hearts out for a chance to get into a group to perform. I would love to be in the room when Mr. Manager/Teacher comes in and gives/teaches them their dance moves. Wonder where did his very “hip” ideas come from. Oh yeah, from American hip-hop and R&B from….Oh yeah…..Black people. So yeah, come to the West……you think you can slide some dance moves in on us in the West, where your moves originated from mind you, and think you won’t be called out on your bull___t………think again! The thought just made me laugh all of a sudden. I can’t wait for the day I see a k-pop group on 106 and Park. It would be brown skin overload for them. Ha! (But hey, Beiber did it……………..). (SMILES)

    But I hear you AngelFace…………..I hear you.

    • BiAlamode,

      I have heard some not so nice things about SM Management. My brother in law is a music exec for a J-Pop company and I hear some pretty crazy things but that’s a whole other story. My brother in law said that when he hears these kids say that would “give anything to become an idol”, he always says to himself “good luck. They have no clue what they are getting themselves into”. These companies definitely “take” everything that is good talent wise about the black culture ie singing, dancing, fashion, etc but that definitely does not mean that they have a love for the culture in general.

      • AngelFace,

        Exactly, I guess that’s why my emotions got “stirred” when this whole mocking Stevie issue came up. I was like…how dare you. My hope is that those younger than me do get just what you said. Just because people “Copy you” doesn’t mean they “Love you.” They just know how to recognize a good thing when they see it and capitalize on it. So long as That is the general understanding, then appreciating the Asian male can be done with Eyes Wide Open.

        Wow, you have a music exec in the family. How exciting, you have a “bird’s eye view” of how the music industry works….Cool! (SMILES)

    • Usher + Bieber + Shin Hyuk = Success
      Taeyang + Gargantuan Usher Influence + SM Management Machine = Success
      Usher = Success
      From what I have read from earlier posts,
      Taeyang gets it, appreciates it, and has much respect for it.
      I love me some Taeyang.
      Woe to be so much younger… sigh…

      Heavy sigh… very heavy sigh…

  24. Bialamode,

    I remembered seeing this video and it disgusted me. I also I agree with you about the generational gap thing thing. I ‘ve just turned 40 several months ago. When I was growing up, I was taught some things: Amos ‘n Andy wasn’t cool and Blackface was a grave racial offense because of what it did to us. I don’t know if they had Sambo’s restaurants where you lived,but at one point in Georgia they did. I didn’t always get it until my late grandpops would tell the racist connotations behind the name.It would baffle me why all of those black people would eat at restaurant with that name.

    Like you said, it is very dangerous how some of those guys on the Lovelyish site are thinking, whether they care/not care about the feelings of Black people. These days , people just don’t get it/want to get it. They carry on about it like it’s no big deal,but it is.As I’ve said in my previous post, the world cannot be about Koreans only ,even it’s in their own country and in general, the world can’t be about us. I was just thinking about a segment that I was looking at on ABC evening news a couple of months back. The reporter was conducting a test about how many things were made in the USA and if Americans can go without products made from other countries. Though the moral of it was serious,it was funny at the same time. In one case, one family discovered how many things were not American made at least 95 percent of the items that were in their house wasn’t made in the states. Even their dog’ s flea and tick collar wasn’t made here..seriously!In this time of anti-immigrant sentiments, I was just thinking that how much the US may be weak without the world.When I think about the K-pop entertainment industry, it’s pretty much the same thing. Many of these singers seem use Black music and other pop music. Now I’m quite sure if some of those entertainers found out about that ,they wouldn’t like it and if they kept on doing it, these Black entertainers wouldn’t do it.

    Who could forget John Mayer? He was the man of the hour and at one time, I loved his music. He even boasted that Black people loved him,but soon as he opened his racist can of worms, everything went down hill for him. Sure, he had some of those people who also said it was no big deal and that they would support him but have we heard anything lately about him? I haven’t and frankly, I don’t want to. John is one of many examples of how racism will hurt you.Nobody logical thinking Black person..or just people in general want to support a guy who is disrespectful to us. Not only that, he was also disrespectful to his then girlfriend Jessica Simpson by talking about her sex life.Just imagine what would have happened if people would have just said ” it’s no big deal” like some of those people on the Lovelyish site.

    Intentional or unintentional, this is one major thing that K-pop entertainers have to understand, what you do in Korea also may affect the world. Blackface may be an acceptable form of entertainment in their country,but it may not be elsewhere.Even in their country, there are Black expats there and they are paying to what is going on in Korea and other parts of the Asian world.
    I would like to see many of these K-pop entertainers succeed,but if you got people out there who are in denial of the history of blackface or could careless about it, they should kiss their careers good bye. I will be signing the petition to let them know that stuff isn’t ok.

    • thank 🙂 but the real thanks goes to the petition creator. i wish the major kpop sites like seoulbeats and allkpop would post it. It would get more signatures. But I’m not going to hold my breath. They don’t care. We live in a selfish world. If it’s not your race being discriminating aganist you don’t care.

      One day humans will realize that there is one race: HUMANS!

  25. @Choi

    I liked your article you wrote about Super Junior. I listened to Kyunhyn?? on Immortal Song 2. Hes a goood singer.I hope u continue to write other articles about others. I have a very limited group I listen to regularly. BI, Mblaq, and Beast… My comment was solely on that Boom person or ppl involved in that situation. I’ve signed that petition. Thanks for the link.

  26. @ATLSis,

    I’m in Texas. I want to say there were some of those restaurants here once upon a time, but it would have been before I was born or right after. I remember the ABC show you’re referring to. I wanted to see but didn’t get the chance. It is scary the more progressive people say they are, it’s like we’re going backwards. The U.S. is loosing “it’s standing” in the world, we have more technology…..yet education in this country is becoming futile. Younger generations are becoming farther and farther removed from our history. I could listen to my grandparents talk for hours about things that happened in our family (black history wise). The more I learned from them, the more pride I felt. I’ve never felt inferior to anyone, even though as a Black person I’ve certainly felt my share of racist crap during my lifetime. This generation needs to realize that as long as you have/keep a “firm grip” on your history…… will NEVER fall for the Okey Doke.

    • AWW, your are from Texas too? No wonder you are a kindred spirit. 🙂 “This generation needs to realize that as long as you have/keep a “firm grip” on your history…… will NEVER fall for the Okey Doke.” So true!!

  27. This generation needs to realize that as long as you have/keep a “firm grip” on your history…… will NEVER fall for the Okey Doke.

    Nothin’ but truth there.

  28. @ bitofabelly81

    Lawd -there doesn’t seem to be an escape from the ignorance, huh? Luckily, I’ve heard Big Bang and hated all their music, so no big loss there, lol. And the nerve, as hard as they go with the emulation. Pfft.

    I haven’t heard 2ne1 yet, though I’ve heard the name (Are they the ones that announced they’d be working with Wyclef?). I tend to not care too much for the girl groups. I have no idea why, but the songs just never appeal… Hopefully that will change since I’d like to support my fellow females. So if anyone has any musical suggestions….

    I’ve heard of JYP as well, but I only know of 2PM. I’m going to make a point of finding out who else they have on their roster.

    Right now, I’m a total fangirl for Teen Top (They could be my little brothers. The shame of it! xD) with my bias being Chunji (my avatar). I swear, if I found out they ever said something out of pocket… I think that’s the worse dread, you know? That you really like a group or an entertainer and they say/do something that will make you change the way you look at them. URGH!

  29. It never ceases to amaze me how people who know what the worse forms of racism feel like, people who have suffered and bled at the hands of another race of people only because of their nationality, can find humor in slurring someone else.

    I swear, I just don’t get it.

  30. @AngelFace Hey…. it’s true I didn’t get nearly as offended as some people did because although I have been exposed to racism, I haven’t suffered through it as long as some. I did do research on the history of “blackface” and there were varying perspectives on it. But like I told a couple of the other ladies….just because it didn’t bother me didn’t mean I condoned it. However, I too agree that it was done out of ignorance and I don’t believe SuJu are racists either.

    Wow! You’re daughter met some members of Super Junior?? I’m so jealous of her. lololol That’s great and I’m very happy that they were nice to her. It’s interesting that she mentioned the point of K-Pop singers being puppets and going along with stuff. I guess it’s still not an excuse to be offensive but it’s definitely a factor why. Some of the members in the group do foolish things but I don’t think that should put a dark cloud over ALL13 members. That wouldn’t be fair. Yep, similar to your daughter…..I’m still a fan too. 🙂

    @surkura Thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed my article. Oh yeah, Kyuhyun is an amazing singer. With a voice like that, it’s no wonder he is a member of four different groups. I just find him so inspiring because he had every reason to quit but he came back to performing with SuJu despite the pain he was in and his doctors’ wishes. Like I told a couple of the other ladies, I understand your displeasure with these offensive actions but I’m glad your frustrations are only directed towards those involved in committing them. 🙂

    • Choi Min Jung said,

      “…….I understand your displeasure with these offensive actions but I’m glad your frustrations are only directed towards those involved in committing them.”

      Choi Min if I am one the ladies you are referring to, I sincerely apologize if I misread, misinterpreted your article, like some of the others, I too, reacted to the commentor who raised this issue. Now, I do and will stand by my thoughts and feelings about blackface and if you go back to the Super Junior post itself I said I hope YOU continue to write and not let your readers (I include myself) emotional reactions to your words upset you to the point of quitting. I went on to say that whether your readers agree with your point of view or not, if dialogue is sparked then your job is done regardless. I also said in one of my comments to BOAB81, that She did nothing wrong in asking you to write the Super Junior article and I said You did nothing wrong by writing it. Now, if I misinterpreted what you wrote, again I apologize, but I would prefer if someone feels I have done them a wrong, then tell me directly if that is indeed the case and I will make amends accordingly.

      I can assure you my frustrations lie SQUARELY with ones who perpetrated the offense.

    • Choi Min Jung,

      I totally understand. I try to judge people individually as people and not let a momentary slip in judgement skew my opinion of them. We are all humans and have made some stupid mistakes. We just need to learn from them and move on.

      Yes, she did meet a few members of Suju last year at the Sheraton. They were very, very nice. Mika is fluent in Japanese as well as Korean and was speaking both to them. Wookie is the sweetest thing ever and so is Siwon and Yesung. My daughter has very Asian eyes but they are hazel, like mine. They were fascinated by that. One of them kept looking in her eyes and saying, “gorgeous, so gorgeous”, it was very cute. I like you am still a fan. It was a stupid thing for the 3 members to do but I honestly don’t think that they had any say in the matter. Like my daughter said, they are “SM’s puppets”.
      Take care 🙂

  31. ” bitofabelly81 says:
    September 8, 2011 at 7:25 am
    @dagrrl: i was just thinking that. I know you were saying you’d look into YG (big bang, 2ne1?), but i heard that Seungri of bigbang had made an ignorant comment….but on the other hand…I really truly believe JYP artists wouldn’t be caught dead saying/doing such careless things”.


    The Seungri incident was an ignorant remark made, that he did later apologize for. Not making any excuses for him but at least he did apologize (something that Boom will never do). Unfortunately, people say stupid things. I know that I have said some “insensitive” things about people but I am far from a racist. As far as YG vs SM Entertaintment, I can only speak of what I know. I don’t know Big Bang personally but as I have said in another post, over the summer, we did have the opportunity to meet and speak to Taeyang. Trust me, he LOVES the black culture. At this studio, he was surrounded by black musicians and was so at ease, I almost forgot that he was Korean :). He is very Americanized from the way he dresses, speaks, etc. I know that GD has worked with Flo Rida and Big Bang works with black musicians and choreographers all the time, so they definitely have much more exposure than some of the other idol groups.

    Take care 🙂

    • I wanted to let you know that Taeyang did blackface, too. He did it for a magazine, which I can’t remember the name. He was doing a tribute to Michael Jackson, and they painted his face black. And so did G-dragon, he did a tribute to Andre 3000. maybe they ( Taeyang and G-dragon) loves the black culture too much that they allowed themselves to be painted in black face !!!

      I’m sorry to tell you that, if you didn’t know already. This info might not change how you feel about them. but i thought you should know.

      • Girl1984,

        Like I said before, nothing but nothing surprises me about the asian culture. I live it and breathe it everyday. The blackface thing is insulting and unfortunately is done by far too many of the K-Pop idols. Is it dissappointing yes, but not surprising. If you are going to look at all the insensitive things that K-Pop idols do, then we’d might as well call it a wrap and not support K-Pop at all. It’s a different culture and they just need to be educated on things.

        Yes, I did hear about both incidents and it doensn’t change how I feel. I have said some very stupid things that I am sure people would feel is insensitive. I learned from it and moved on. I would hope that people would not judge me solely by some dumb things that I did while in college or when angry, etc. I have never met GD but from my 15 minutes with Taeyang, I can only go by my own experience. He is a very cool guy.

      • I understand your feelings. I know, since I like MBLAQ, if they do some racial thing, e.g. blackface or other things. I’m done with them; whether it’s through ignorance or not. I don’t tolerate racism at all, I don’t care who you are or how cute you are. That’s just my feeling.

        I get people make mistakes by being racially insensitive, because I know I have been too. But like you said you learned from your mistakes, as well as I. Unfortunately, most South Koreans, including kpopper don’t want to learn from their mistake.

  32. Bi came from under the tutelage of JYP and met Black American artists through that relationship, as I understand it. I’m sure most of you already know this, so FORGIVE the repeat information.

  33. “BiAlamode says:

    Exactly, I guess that’s why my emotions got “stirred” when this whole mocking Stevie issue came up. I was like…how dare you. My hope is that those younger than me do get just what you said. Just because people “Copy you” doesn’t mean they “Love you.” They just know how to recognize a good thing when they see it and capitalize on it. So long as That is the general understanding, then appreciating the Asian male can be done with Eyes Wide Open.

    Wow, you have a music exec in the family. How exciting, you have a “bird’s eye view” of how the music industry works….Cool! (SMILES)”.


    That’s the one thing that is hard to impress on kids. I’m not very old and can honestly say that I have not experienced much racisim in my life. As the generations move on, we became more and more removed from it. My kids have no frame of reference on racism, since the world they live in, they see so many different cultures in our family, that they consider this the norm. We always try to educate them on things like this just so they are not blindsided one day.

    Yes, my brother-in-law works in the JPop industry. I have been familiar with JPop for a very long time because my hubby loves the music, dramas etc. From my own personal experiences of Korea vs Japan, I think Japan is more “accepting”. I’ve only been to Korea once and it was great to experience but I don’t know if I would want to go back. We go to Japan every year to visit family and I feel more at ease there. Yes, they still do have their issues in Japan, but there is more “Western” feel in Japan vs Korea.

    • AngelFace,

      I don’t consider myself old either (althought some may beg to differ……SMILES). Those of us who are 40 something were born right around the time the Civil Rights movement was kicking into high gear. So we were able to get more first hand accounts from our parents/grandparents/great-grandparents and in my case from all 3 generations. Kids today can’t imagine a world without flat screen TVs and all things digital. Well, my grandparents lived during a time before TV was even in the home and I remember they told me stories of how excited everybody was when they bought their first TV. A big HUGE standup wooden box shaped B/W tv, with big gold knobs on top. I remember it, cause by the time I came along in the 60s my family had long since “upgraded” if you will and that TV had been relegated to the garage. You can’t buy stories like that. My own experiences with racism were certainly not as plentiful as theirs…..thank goodness….times were a’changing then. But you Never forget the first (and only) time the “N” word gets hurled at you…..Never.

      They way your children are able to feel is how it should be and I applaud you and your husband for teaching them their history in its Entirety (Black and Asian alike). I don’t walk around with a huge chip on my shoulder, but I do have my family’s personal history inside of me that will not allow me to Ever Forget and I don’t intend to.

      Unless I get smacked in the head….(SMILES)

      • BiAlamode,

        That’s so funny what you said about the t.v. My granny still has one of those old fashioned floor models. Kids today have it sooo easy. My twins are 14 and have everything under the sun. I punished my son the other day for forgetting to take out the trash and sent him to his room. My husband said, “now that’s a punishment I would love. He he has a flat screen tv, dvr, mac book, ipod, iphone and ipad up there. Why would he ever want to leave his room?” Lol! I was like, wow you are right. So I went up there and starting taking everything out of his room, so that he could suffer a little more :). Our kids don’t know anything about struggle but we definitely don’t raise them with a sense of entitlement. Not to get too preachy but I think parents need to remember that we have to raise our children to be strong, respectful and responsible. We tell our kids all the time, that we are mommy and daddy and not their friends. We have our friends and don’t need or want 14 year old friends :).

        I love hearing stories from my families both from the black and hispanic perspective. It’s their blood that makes me the person I am, so I definitely honor both histories. I haven’t experienced much racisim (the occasional 1/2 breed comments while growing up) and of course the stares, but do recall different things that my parents had to deal with. Neither my black or hispanic sides have ever gotten along very well. I never thought in a million years that I would marry a Japanese man, since I saw what my parents went through. But love is love! My children are very grounded. They understand their history and we are constantly reinforcing it to them. We are fortunate that they have a strong love from all families. Sometimes I wish that I could keep them in our little “family love bubble” and protect them but I know that’s not possible. As long as they are equipped to handle the crazies out here, I feel that we have done our jobs very well 🙂

        Take care 🙂

      • AngelFace says,

        “But love is love!…….”

        Indeed it is. Unfortunately, I was not blest to have children but I have been surrounded by kids all my life, through cousins and church friends, etc. After reading your words, I do recognize “old school” upbringing cause mine was the same, even though we have an age difference (SMILES).

        Reading about your heritage, it reminds me of some of my own family. I have a cousin (Black male) who brought his Hispanic girlfriend (at the time) to one of our family picnics, back in the 70s. Oh and my great aunt and uncle (who are both now deceased) didn’t care much for their son being with her. I was a young kid, but I remember the family “hoopla” that day….my great aunt going on and on about it. My Dad (who did not attend the picnic) said after hearing about all the family craziness that day….he said while talking to my grandmother (I was being nosy in grown folks business), “Do you realize they actually fell in love, even though he speaks no Spanish and she speaks no English….that’s amazing Mom….Auntie and ‘Unc’ need to back off.” My father recognized the beauty in how they came together in love despite the obvious cultural differences and language barriers. My aunt made the lady cry at the family picnic and my grandmother realizing my aunt was all kinds of “out of line” went to console her. My extended family was new to interracial relationships at that time, but My folks were always more open to things like that. In case you’re wondering my cousins (yes, I think of her as my cousin) are still very much married over 20 something years now and they have two children, their son just graduated college last year. Her in-laws (my great aunt and uncle) did come to love her also… it’s all good.

        I laughed when you described your son’s room, even though he and I are years apart I too had a room full of “stuff” growing (being the only child that I am……here it comes I know…..spoiled rotten). I was spoiled no doubt, but those same grandparents I told you about earlier had no problem “warming my seat cushion.” I know people don’t believe in that these days, but let’s just say……it Got My Attention. (SMILES)
        I think your kids are blest to have parents like you and I know you both will continue to surround them in love and I have no doubt they’ll do fine. (SMILES)

    • Never been to Korea, but have friends that live there. I have been to Japan and felt the love from them. It was on a whole ‘nother level. They were just cute wanting to take pictures with me and some friends. I found it to be flattering.

  34. It wasn’t until around our mid-teens that my dad really started telling us what was up. I think my mom begged for him to wait and let us have our childhood first, lol. What I mean is, for instance, he’d ask us what we learned in school when we came home, and we’d say “Well, in 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue….and discovered America…”, and he’d stop us immediately and tell us the real story of how America was discovered, or at least, crucial, but oddly omitted details of how this country came about. It wasn’t pretty, but the “folks” behind the writing of our textbooks sure would like us to think so. My dad’s a history buff, and he’s in his early 70s, so he’s seen alot..experienced alot of racism and discrimination growing up in the South. His side of my family is very staunch and proud of their black heritage, and he doesn’t want his kids to get it twisted in any way. He wants us to know how things were and certainly has. We still to this day have heated debates about race and politics and how it affects mainstream media and entertainment. People might be surprised…

    My mom on the other hand isn’t a clueless individual, but her parents shielded her from what was going on. Her dad was a Korean war veteran and the last thing he wanted was for his kids to follow in his footsteps, so he kept them in sort of a bubble. They loved the Beatles and Ricky Nelson growing up. It wasn’t until my mom married my dad that she got the wakeup call about what it was really like to be Black in America. She loves old black and white movies starring the classic Hollywood elite, as do I, but she’s bothered that I refuse to watch those classic films that portray black people as dark as tar, shiny, dumb, uneducated and subservient (“yeah suh massa”, “yes missus”, etc), the only thing visible on their faces are their eyes and teeth. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Even if the storyline is good, I cannot continue to watch it and she doesn’t understand. She’s 60! I’m 30! But she grew up very differently from my dad.

    I think with both of them I’ve been able to be pretty balanced on the whole. But, I can get very angry when I see things like Amos and Andy. I can’t even stand it with the way Native Americans and Hispanics were portrayed in those old films…basically white people painted brown and donning dark wigs. Don’t even get me started on how Asians were portrayed…

    Funny, when we were young, my mom always used to play “Traveling Man” for us by Ricky Nelson. As kids, we loved it–didn’t think a thing about it. Then we grew up, and I couldn’t help but ask my her, “how come he has a woman everywhere except Africa?” Lol. She looked so stunned. She hadn’t even thought of it…

    • HA!……Don’t get me started on “Columbus”. Yes Amos -n- Andy, Stepin Fetchet and characters like them, etc. are cringe worthy and painful to watch, but I still think it’s important to know about these images, where they came from, how they are perpetuated even to this day. Let’s not even mention D.W. Griffith’s “Birth of A Nation.” I could go on and on, cause quite frankly Black history reeves me up too but I have to remember this is an Asian male appreciation blog. However, I will say this. The Asian males who read this blog and I know some do, should use this “hot topic” as a catalyst for themselves to reach deeper into our history (if they choose to), just like we are learning about them. If you want to know about Black people and why we “react” they way we do, take a peek at our history and vice versa. The answers are there if you take an honest, objective approach when doing your research.

      You’re right…….all peoples of color have suffered unjustly at the hands of others deemed more powerful. Be it by words, deeds or the “skewing” of our images…so the mocking and derogatory/stereotypical comments perpetrated by others of color should really just cease. I’ll keep hoping for that day anyway at least.

  35. by the way, has anyone here seen “The Black Girl”, a 1966 French film? Watched it for the first time over the weekend….ooooooooh that movie had me boiling….terribly disappointing!!

    • I haven’t seen that one, but I will def check it out. My mom made me watch Imitation Of Life oveer and over and over again. I was kind of having and identity crisis. I’ve been pretty much called every ethnicty that has a slight tan other than black. It got to the point were I stopped entertaing peoples questions and let them think what they want.

      • Seli,

        You sound like me when I was growing up. I was always called anything and everything but black. Now, I really don’t care at this point in my life. If you want to call me biracial, I’m okay with it. Hispanic, I’m okay with it. Black, I’m okay with it. I know what I am 🙂

    • Bitofabelly81,

      I think that I will pass on that movie : ). Things like that bug me and I get so irritated. I was watching a show the other say on the KKK and my husband turned off the tv and made me stop watching. He knows how I get affected by things like this and said when I saw your face getting all ‘red’, I knew I had to step in. I definitely don’t underestimate racisim but like my dad always says, ‘there’s no need to go looking for things to trouble you’. Life is hard enough 🙂

      • Angelface, would say you haven’t experienced racism because of your diversed background?

      • @Angelface: without giving away too much…it’s not the racial bs that she had to endure that bothered me…it was the ending! That’s all I’ll say….

  36. “LadyOrchid says:

    Angelface, would say you haven’t experienced racism because of your diversed background?”

    That’s a good question. I guess that could be one of reasons. I know my parents were very protective of my brother and I, and shielded us alot. I think another reason is because people never could really figure out “what I was” so maybe, they didn’t know what to think. Is she black and white, Hispanic, Creole, Cuban; you name it, I’ve been called it :). I guess it’s hard to offend someone if you are not too sure what they are. LOL!

  37. BiAlamode says:

    “Unfortunately, I was not blest to have children but I have been surrounded by kids all my life, through cousins and church friends, etc. After reading your words, I do recognize “old school” upbringing cause mine was the same, even though we have an age difference (SMILES)”.

    I definitely had an “old school” upbringing. My dad was quick with the belt :). Luckily, I never was on the receiving end but my brother, is another story. I was so sensitive as a child and would cry if my parents looked at me harshly, so they never had to do anything but yell at me. As far as the kids, they are a blessing and if you ever want to cure any “baby pains” I will gladly ship my 3 to you for the weekend :).

    That’s amazing to hear about your cousins. Like I said, love is love and if you are strong, you can endure anything. I’m glad to hear that they are still together.

    “I laughed when you described your son’s room, even though he and I are years apart I too had a room full of “stuff” growing (being the only child that I am……here it comes I know…..spoiled rotten). I was spoiled no doubt”.

    Oh how I envied you spoiled-rotten only kids. We were at best working middle-class growing up. A lot of love and everything we needed, but no extras. My parents sole goal was to keep us in both in Catholic School and save enough money to help out with college, which they did. My children have such a priviledged life and I always make sure that they are aware of it. My hubby was like you. Spoiled rotten, to the core. He’s the youngest son and I think his mom thinks the son rises and sets on him 🙂

    • .Angel face, “Oh how I envied you spoiled-rotten only kids” We’re not spoiled!!!!! NO, no, no…. *throwing a huge hissy fit, temper tantrum* 🙂 lol I had the privilege of doing all of the chores. Ha, ha. I wished for older brothers and sisters to follow, younger brothers and sisters to fight with. And to make matters worst, my birthday falls right after Christmas, so I had the-all-in-one presents growing up.

      “I guess it’s hard to offend someone if you are not too sure what they are. LOL!” I hope I didn’t offend you, I was just curious.

      • LadyOrchid,

        How typical of you spoiled-rotten only kids throwing a hissy fit. Just kidding. LOL! My house was very traditional. As the girl, I got to wash the dishes, vacuum, wash clothes, etc; while my older brother mowed the lawn, took out the trash etc. I feel your pain on the all-in-one birthday gifts. I am a New Year’s baby and hated that :). But now I say the whole world celebrates the day that I was born, so I feel special (again just kidding).

        No worries, you most definitely did not offend me in the slightest. I’ve very open about my race. I’d rather someone ask me ‘what are you’ than to sit and wonder. I would never get offended by that question.

      • AngelFace,

        Hahaha! Now see, this is where being spoiled comes in. My birthday is Dec. 23 and one Christmas, family conversation turned into how many gifts did we each get. Me, being the “smarty pants” that I was back then said to my Dad, “you know my birthday is on the 23rd and Christmas is on the 25th that’s two whole separate days, so technically I should get a gift for each day.” I was really BS-ing him…..really, but to my astonishment he said “You know Baby girl……you’re right.” From that Christmas on I got two gifts from everybody (it became a mini tradition) me and my two gifts.

        Oh yes, as far as hubbies go, mine is the only son and his Mama LOVES him “ta death.” (SMILES) But she’s great, we get along really good.

        LadyOrchid……you an only child too?!! I did want a sibling growing up too really badly when I was about 12/13 but Mama wasn’t having it. (SMILES) Both from Texas, both only kids……this is getting spooky (in a good way). (SMILES)

        Oh and AngelFace…….why I “gotta” be rotten “to the core?”……..Huh? (SMILES)

  38. Thanks for the petition link, ladies.

    Yes, I can choose to be pissed or not to be. At this point, I’m pretty calm, for what it’s worth. I’m not frothing at the mouth or anything. I cannot choose to be hurt or not be hurt, however, because that’s a whole other animal and what Boom did hurts me to my core. Especially when I would never let anyone in the entertainment industry in my country get away with doing “yellowface” on the national stage. Ever.

    When I was a newborn, even though my father had been serving in the U.S. military for four years, my parents couldn’t walk into the front door of establishments for something to eat if they were hungry. My mother graduated high school three years late because, as a nine-year-old, she finally got mauled badly enough by “white” dogs to where my grandmother kept her out of school until she was old enough to outrun them everyday. Dad has been restrained and had a full root canal performed on him without anesthesia or stitches because he “bucked the establishment”. I will stop there because the point of my comment is not to bring everybody down, or cast a negative pall over anyone’s otherwise good day, or whatever. Boom’s actions simply hit a nerve, and it’s NOT my fault that they hit a nerve. Let me repeat that. It’s not my fault that he hit a nerve.

    The point of my comment is that there is a definite disconnect between cultures AND between generations. When I had to lay down the law to my own grown son about why I wouldn’t abide the N word and how the stories in books weren’t tales and myths from the Dark Ages that didn’t touch him (just look over your shoulder and around the corner, dude, they’re right there, a generation from you, the Internet and everything else you think just fell out of the sky for you was paid for by the oppressed saying NO, that’s why you have it AT ALL), I knew there was a problem. And please, don’t get me wrong — it’s not that I expect everyone to walk around in some angry depression ready to lash out at people. Not at all. What a horrible way to live! Every possible moment of life should be treasured and enjoyed and filled with laughter. We should all enjoy knowing each other, spending time together, regardless of race. A huge part of that is understanding when something hurts someone else and not doing it anyway just because the laughs or the ratings or whatever will be worth it. Ends do not justify means.

    Blackface and other things steeped in racial humiliation shouldn’t be done. It’s the seemingly “harmless” stuff, swept under the rug because we like the Larger Picture, that eventually comes back on you like bell bottoms.

    Apologies, Bitofabelly81, if I’ve worsened the atmosphere in this thread with my diatribe, but I do appreciate your post and the opportunity to express my thoughts here.

    You know a GOOD thread when e’erbody jumps in and starts stirring the ramen, yeah? LOL! 🙂

    Dang, I’m exhausted after all that LOL

    • Hey DynasticQueen,

      I’ve been waiting to hear your thoughts and totally get where you’re coming from. Between this post and the Super Junior post that “sparked” it all, I’ve written a “novel”……imagine that! (SMILES) Your post fits right in. I think the mood is calm now and my last thoughts on this subject is if K-Pop artists don’t get it yet……….they’re about to start getting it! The world is getting smaller and smaller and one day they may end up like Humpty Dumpty (“memba” him?). When the cease and desist letters and the lawsuits from overseas start knocking on their doors, they’ll get it. It’s coming, just wait. Before you can change the “heart of a man” sometimes you got to hit’em where it really hurts…….ye ole pocketbook.

  39. BiAlamode says:


    Hahaha! Now see, this is where being spoiled comes in. My birthday is Dec. 23 and one Christmas, family conversation turned into how many gifts did we each get. Me, being the “smarty pants” that I was back then said to my Dad, “you know my birthday is on the 23rd and Christmas is on the 25th that’s two whole separate days, so technically I should get a gift for each day.” I was really BS-ing him…..really, but to my astonishment he said “You know Baby girl……you’re right.” From that Christmas on I got two gifts from everybody (it became a mini tradition) me and my two gifts.

    Oh yes, as far as hubbies go, mine is the only son and his Mama LOVES him “ta death.” (SMILES) But she’s great, we get along really good.

    Oh and AngelFace…….why I “gotta” be rotten “to the core?”……..Huh? (SMILES)”


    And you wonder why I said “spoiled rotten to the core”, 2 gifts from everyone, huh? Thanks for proving my point about you only children. (just kidding). LOL! Like I said before I am a New Year’s baby and trust me, I never, never, ever, ever, got both Christmas and Birthday gifts. My Christmas gifts from everyone in the family always read, ‘Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday Angelica”. Gee, thanks : ).

    I hear you on the sons who’s Mama’s spoil them. It used to annoy me, how much she catered to him but once we started having kids, that energy went over to them, so all is well again :). .

    • LOL!…………..I knew you’d get a kick out of that. (SMILES) Hey, my in-laws live in another state. I love them, but distance can be your friend sometimes. (SMILES)

      • BiAlamode,

        Sometimes I do wish for the distance but they do come in handy as babysitters when mommy and daddy need to get away!

        Also, I sent a text message to my brother-in-law to peep in on this topic and he found it very “interesting”. He divides his time between LA and Japan and is acutely aware of the “cultural” change he must go through in each country. He wasn’t surprised about the “blackface” incident and said that unfortunately, things will only change as much as the people do, which is not likely. They really don’t get how offensive it is since they don’t learn about the history of anyone but their own people.

        I know alot of people have mentioned that this would never happen in the U.S. and like he said, “it could never happen here because any one group that you offend, there is a representative of that group”. You talk about blacks, hispanics, indians, cambodians, etc, someone is going to call you on it in the U.S. You don’t have that in Korea or Japan. A black person can raise a fuss in Korea, but if you are .5% of the population, it’s difficult to get heard. I mean let’s be real, even the Korean/Japanese community in the U.S., are not very recepttive to diversity. Not all, but most! But he did say something very interesting. He said, that the things that the K-Pop and J-Pop idols do won’t affect them in their own countries, but when/if they try to expand to the U.S., you can bet the press will bring up every little piece of dirt that they can find!!

        Okay, I think I have said enough on this topic and since my youngest son is screaming at our daughter in the other room, I best go and log off for the evening. Time to play referee. Fun, fun, fun 🙂

      • AngelFace,

        You try to have a good evening and when you get a chance tomorrow, see my comment to DynasticQueen. I agree with what your brother-in-law said. Yeah, they’ll change when they start getting kicked in the rear through their bank accounts, they’ll listen. He’s right, the Western media has a funny way of trying to find out every little thing about people they don’t know and Every little offensive thing the K-Pop artists have done will come up. It may take many more generations before their countries change socially, but if technology and music keeps bring us closer and closer, they will be forced to recognize the offenses and make changes or don’t expand.

        Yeah, I’m done too………….on to the next topic. Enjoyed learning about you and your family though! (SMILES)

  40. I didn’t know that Korea, Japan and other asian countries paint their face black to make fun at black people. When I saw this picture of Boom the korean comedian who had paint his face black and impersonate Stevie Wonder. I was very disappointed. I didn’t like it when Robert Downey Jr who face was painted black in the movie tropic thunder which this movie had degraded black people. I’am angry that people find it funny to make fun at black people or any other race. Did you know that painted black face indicates Tar baby,Jiggaboo,Jungle bunny, Nigger and Aunt Jemima. These were the names that was given to black people because we were different color and they hated our skin color which they thought black color was ugly. The funny thing asian people were also made fun at too. Do anybody remember the movie Breakfast at Tiffany’s with Audrey Hepburn and Mickey Rooney who played a japanese man in the movie where they painted his face asian and made him speak like japanese man and don’t forget people that tv show Charlie Chan and Fu Manchu was played by a caucasian actor who name was Warner Oland and also David Carrdine who played the role of Kwai Chang Caine in kung-fu and we all knew that the role was originally for Bruce lee. The reason why I’am going back into time people for us to realize no matter what’s your ethnicity we should’not make fun at each other’s race because we all had went through our own share of discrimination and to tell you the truth it hurts when people make fun at your color. Nothing else to say!

    • Hi, Michelle. Yes, I remember Breakfast at Tiffany’s! I didn’t see it until years and years after it was released, when I was in my 20s, but I remember I only made it through half of the movie because of portrayal of the Japanese man by Rooney. It just made me incredibly sad. But it spoke to the times, I guess.

      Take care and have a good Friday.

      • Michelle, “The funny thing Asian people were also made fun at too. “ Good point. I think Robert Downey case was taken lightly by the media because he was making parody of a character, portraying another character, and so on (a black man, then a white man and finally an Australian. He wasn’t even American.) However, it was still wrong on all levels though.

        I remember Charlie Chan & David Carridine too. As a child I loved the Kung Fu movies, I didn’t know the implications of those stereotypes until I was older. I didn’t like how whites would paint themselves in westerns to look like Indians (Native Americans,) “savage” Indians no less. When Angelina Jolie played a biracial woman in “A Mighty Heart” The whole time I was thinking, “What, Tandie Newton wasn’t available?? Come ONNNN!!!!! Just because you produced the movie Angelina, doesn’t mean you have to start in it.”

        So yes, racism is hurtful, especially when a profit is being made at the expense of those being made fun of.

  41. Surprised, I don’t think so;
    angry, not so much;
    disappointed, very much so.

    However, I think in this particular instance
    ignorance on the part of the players is to blame;
    not so much on the part of SM Entertainment
    of which I think less and less of these days.
    I too find myself coming up with excuses for them…
    I mean how else would a Korean parody Stevie Wonder?
    Well of all the ways to parody Stevie Wonder, that is not one of them.
    It is unacceptable.

    I agree about JYP, with the exception of the Jay Park (Jaebom) incident,
    which though unfortunate, in the end both sides handled it responsibly and maturely.
    Jay Park is thriving and JYP has not gone out of their way to thwart his success.
    I respect them for that.

    Just an aside if I may:
    There was an interview on Showbiz Korea or Pops in Seoul
    Where the young ladies in T-ara (I think) were asked to
    compliment one another on how they looked in their t-shirts.
    One replied that the other looked the best,
    because her fairer complexion matched more closely
    with the white t-shirt she was wearing.
    Wow… that is food for another discussion.
    But it is an example of a particular line of thinking,
    that unfortunately is not unique to the people of Korea.

    What I wanted to mention was my boys MBLAQ,
    born of Bi, his label and JYP.
    I have got to give them props.

    I fell in love with them and their fans even more
    when the fans raised money to aid black orphaned children.
    The pictures were awesome and
    MBLAQ’s response was equally awesome.

    In an Idol Army episode,
    I think the one when they were in a drawing class,
    one of the members commented that the picture
    by one of the other members
    resembled a black person
    I think it may have been because of the lips.
    What I appreciated about this exchange,
    was that you could tell he was trying
    to express this without being offensive (I think it was GO);
    and you could tell he did not mean it in a negative way.
    He was just calling it as he saw it.
    The fact that he said it didn’t bother me.
    I appreciated the thought and sensitivity,
    and well tact, behind his statement.

    MBLAQ were in Brazil
    and Brazil loved them some MBLAQ!
    The clips of them in Brazil are awesome.
    I mention this because
    I believe this is their first trip out of Asia,
    and it is to a country that is represented by all different types of people;
    all different shades, all different colors, all different shapes and sizes;
    and although Brazil has its own issues with race —
    it is a pity, but what country doesn’t, right —

    the members of MBLAQ are very fortunate,
    in that they are getting I think their first taste of the real world,
    the rest of the world, a serious “overseas” promotion
    where most of the people do not look like them, initially.
    I say initially, because the more objectively you look at the world
    and all of its inhabitants, you begin to see
    just how much alike we all really are…

    Joonie’s face was in a state of perpetual shock,
    amazement and amusement.
    Mir seems to be having the best time,
    and also seemed to handle himself the best under the circumstances.
    Cheondung was at times overwhelmed, but also amazed,
    and when he let himself enjoy the moment you got to see that adorable smile of his.
    GO, when they first arrived,
    seemed the most embarrassed,
    especially when greeted by two women
    in traditional Brazilian festival costumes,
    as in they were more than half-naked.
    Seungho seemed to be taken aback a bit,
    but in later clips seemed to warm up to it all.
    From the moment they got off the plane,
    they were greeted by the rainbow coalition
    that is the people of Brazil.

    From what I’ve last seen,
    they all really seemed to be enjoying themselves,
    and embracing the people of Brazil that had
    so enthusiastically welcomed them
    with open arms, and showed them so much love!

    What an experience for them.
    They were not in Korea anymore,
    nor Japan, Thailand, Singapore or China
    I understand they are also to go to Peru.
    How awesome is that for them!

    I do not know if this is true,
    but I read that they are the first K-pop group
    to actually visit South America?
    I know 2NE1 is really popular there,
    as well as SuJu, and even TVXQ…
    But MBLAQ… more power to ’em!

    So in light of this latest unfortunate,
    and rather insensitive take on what some people’s
    idea of what an African-American (black) person is,
    I am left to wonder…
    What lessons will they bring back with them to Korea?
    Their world has just gotten a whole lot bigger.
    You can learn a lot in just a few days
    about the human experience
    through the eyes of another culture,
    just like many have done simply as a result
    of exploring the realm of K-pop:
    about how we are all so much more alike then different;
    about appreciating all people,
    from different cultures
    and different walks of life;
    about not forming an opinion of a people
    you know nothing about
    solely on a stereotype.

    For the same reasons some of us fear
    a more international expansion of some of our favorite artists,
    articles like this demonstrate how a true and honest
    expansion of their knowledge and appreciation
    of cultures outside of their own
    is so desperately needed.

    Speaking again of SM Entertainment…
    How can a company that puts out something like this not get it;
    how can they show such disrespect for a culture and a people,
    that introduced them to a genre of music
    that brought out talent such as this:

    Sorry for taking up so much space, but
    just in case, because sometimes SM have their videos on lockdown:

    I love this song!
    A couple of SuJu’s, a Trax, and a Shinee…

    Okay… I’m done now,
    and I’ve signed the petition.


    • I’ve seen all the variety shows that MBLAQ has done, I don’t remember in Idol Army, the members drawing each other. However, in MBLAQ goes to school, I do remember that Thunder drew Seungho. But it wasn’t one of the members (G.O) that said the drawing look like a black person, it was some actor who was preparing MBLAQ to enter Korean’s top university. Here’s the link: Now I could be wrong about Idol Army, if you can find the episode can you give me the link. The only drawing I can remember in Idol Army is the members drawing a portrait of a little girl.

      • Thank you sweetie…
        I miss all of this,
        I just have not had time.
        I had to stop looking at the site,
        because it pained me to know I could not participate.
        I am just now reading all the comments of this post
        from beginning to end.
        I want to add my two cents on everything.
        I had some time this past Saturday,
        and thought I would play catch-up,
        I barely made a dent in the 4 months I’ve missed out.
        I want to respond to everyone and everything.
        I love this forum!
        Please keep it up!

        I have this letter I started writing a year ago to MBLAQ.
        I’ve been hanging on to it,
        because I know I will come across
        as one crazy fan girl.
        This is another one of those times when I want to send it,
        and I want to include in it…
        not that I think you ever would,
        because you all strike me as so much better than that;
        but, this is a business where you are expected
        to do things whether you want to or not.
        Please… whatever you do, whatever anyone says,
        never, ever, ever perform in black face… NEVER, period.
        You will insult an entire fan base that loves you so much,
        it will absolutely break their hearts.
        I know it would break mine.”

  42. Whatthefrell,

    I seen just about all of those clips. I was just seeing how my baby G.O. and the rest MBLAQ were doing in Brazil. I wanted to how they going to react of their first taste of being away from South Korea.They are also suppose to go to Peru as well. Hopefully, they will have some clips from that. I remembered looking at one of those clips of them seeing MBLAQ.JESUS CHRIST!! those fans took up the city. Those fans also blocked off a street! The group said that they didn’t expect that may people to show their love for them. (And just to think that I thought Bow-Wow had a lot of fans? I accidently seen him at a mall after church.)Apparently, the staff who arranged it didn’t either, which is understandable. In spite of MBLAQ’s and other K-pops popular status, there are people who are still bewildered when you mentioned “K-Pop”. If I was a planner of K-pop concerts, I know one thing.. to put them in super large venues. People underestimate their popularity.If it wasn’t for my 13 year old Neph and this site, I would have also been bewildered about the K-pop world.

    Now, that MBLAQ has had their first taste of the outside world, I hope that it will not be their last. Even though Brazil, as multicultural as it looks, has their own share of racial problems, still it’s far better being exposed to them many different people there.I’m a person who always liked living in multiracial environments because I loved learning about different people,places and things. I also get to learn the truth about them as well. Hopefully, that is what MBLAQ , hopefully the rest of the k-pop world will get and that Super Junior will also get. As I’ve said, when you’re entertaining people, especially the outside world, it cannot be about you and your community. It has to be about EVERYBODY. With some of those guys on that website, they will give unsuspecting people the wrong impression about people and if they go out and do that the wrong person, they may be asking for trouble. Not long ago( and I don’t know how true it was) but there was a clip about a Black man who beat up a Korean because of what he misinterpreted as a racist slur being hurled at him. Just idea him THINKING that it was such caused a ruckus. Just imagine if it was the real deal.

    I’ve wondered why Seungho had a picture of Black baby dancing on it. I thought it was cute and what he and his boys are doing about orphaned African kids is just awesome. As long as MBLAQ is traveling I hope that they will get to see the world from all angles and that even in this troubled world they will also find beauty in it.I hope that they will visit the states( I hope ATL. That would be nice). Although many North Americans are lost on who they are, their popularity is increasing day by day. Look at what happened to Yunho.Recently, he was in a store in New York and in spite of not being with his group, fans began to crowd around the place. If this happened to him, just imagine what will possibly happen if MBLAQ was there?

    • I hope they learn from the Brazil trip- MBLAQ. But I give props to Mir because he handled himself the best out of all the members. Which is surprising for a Korean country boy because they are the most racist Koreans, according to black ESL or talk teacher teaching english in Korean due to their lack of experience of anyone dark or black. But some people despite what they’re taught: racially can scrubs that stuffs off through experience or because of their personality more easily. Mir seem to prove that.

      But I think each member of MBLAQ seem to handle the Brazilian experience, according to their personality. They all seem to respect the culture and the people. I truly hope any racial stereotypes or prejudice MBLAQ had about people of color has been eliminated through this trip. In the end, they can see the Brazilian people are just like them!

    • I think one of the reasons Mir did better in Brazil was maybe because of his sister and her friendship with Yoomirae (Tasha) and Tiger JK. He idolizes them. Even his sister seems to have the same attitude. Even tho they grew up in farm country they seem to have a more open attitude. That’s not to say that people from the country are close minded, but everyone else is from larger cities compared to them.

      • Yeah, good point. I know he loves Tiger JK. But I did not know Mir’s sister is friends with Tasha and Tiger JK. They are the best people to have a friendship with. I love Tasha! She’s so talented! She needs to do an album in the US. I think she would do very well.

      • I love Mir,
        I love MBLAQ.
        I’m not surprised at all.
        On those crazy as Kkaeal Player episodes,
        I was really touched at how fondly they all spoke of Mir sometimes.
        He’s crazy, but like the rest of them, he’s seriously deep.

        They’re repeating
        Welcome to the Jungle/ Tiger JK
        on MNET America,
        This Sunday, should be a new episode though (well, state-side anyways),
        Episode 4, it’s really interesting
        seeing the type of people they surround themselves with.
        People from all over, and I gain new respect for
        some of the more famous K-pop artists
        who comment about the two of them and their son.
        You almost don’t recognize them sometimes,
        it’s almost like watching them at their most genuine…
        and for real.

  43. …far as that episode of MBLAQ, I remembered that one. I thought that Seungho was trying to correct Thunder about it. For all I know, I may have missed out on something. I didn’t see it as a racial offense and I also respect them for that.

    I also thought about an Interview that I looked at ArirangTV where they were being interviewed. I think that they topic somehow switched to appearances and on one of them Mir said that he was darker hued because of his previous life as a farmer boy. I’m not going to doubt him about that and I don’t take this as an offense. I could imagine if I was born/raised Korea where being light is the thing there. It does have an impact on you. If you’re raised in an environment where lighter skin is praised ,9 times 10 it will rub off on you and Korea isn’t the only country that sees it like that,but in countries like Europe, Canada and the US it is less of a big deal. It just seem weird to me when I see that. This was something we battled years ago and even though you have some people who are still stuck on color, we think that darker skin is more acceptable in those countries. I know my aunt said that the German men was falling at her and she dark skinned. had friend that went to Turkey and it was the same. I look at Mir and I’m like come to the states. I mean.. he is handsone and he’s a beautiful honey color. He should never feel bad about it( in case he does) and far as that girl from T-ara, I hope that she one day will see her beauty from within. Some Korean s may cherish lighter skin,but there may be another world who will tell them other wise.

    PS Sorry for the long writing. I intended to put that in my first post.

    • It almost seems like the rest of the guys
      developed additional sensitivities through him about that.
      They used to tease him pretty relentlessly
      about that in the beginning.
      Not in a cruel way, rather affectionately,
      but something seemed to change as time went by…
      LOL: Mir stayed out of the sun and got lighter….
      I’m just kidding;
      I mean he did get lighter,
      but that’s not what I’m talking about…

  44. This is a little off topic from this post but I really wanted to share this with everyone here. One of my favorite Korean actors, No Min Woo (I don’t know if anyone has heard of him or seen him before), went to Malawi in Africa and spent time with this cute little girl, Magi, her mother and baby brother. He was in the dramas Pasta as one of the hot Italian-trained chefs, My Girlfriend is a Gumiho as a half human veterinarian along side Lee Seung Gi, and most recently, Midas as a rich, misunderstood cancer patient along side (one of my other favorite Korean actors Jang Hyuk from Chuno). But unfortunately he never got the girl in any of the dramas I watched. Anyway the video of his trip was so touching and heartwarming and the end made me tear up (I just love a man that is not afraid to express his emotions). Another thing I like about Min Woo is that he is multitalented, he plays the guitar, drums, and piano (Min Woo is a former member of the band TRAX known as ROSE and current member of the group 24/7), he sings, he’s an actor, and can dance. Oh and don’t forget he is very handsome :).

    For some reason it won’t let me post it or any of the other videos, so just go to YouTube and search: No Min Woo volunteer in Malawi Africa 1. My favorite Min Woo video is his drum accompaniment to 2PM’s Heartbeat its kinda hard to see his face but its worth the watch and I’m sure you’ll enjoy it: type into YouTube No Min Woo Heartbeat. Also his drum accompaniment to the Black Eyed Peas’ Boom Boom Pow is awesome and you can see his face better (it will be in the list of suggested videos if you search for Heartbeat).

    Now to address the post, I was quite disappointed to read that Super Junior participated in that stupid act and I agree with many of you that they need to experience more of other cultures, especially the ones that they (KPop artists) continuously imitate through music (Blacks/African Americans). Thanks BOAB81 for the post.

    • @fluerdelis18: thanks so much for the information on No Min Woo. I watched the video and was very touched by his interaction with Maki. I get the impression that he’s a sweet, loving and compassionate person. All qualities I love in a man! I will be keeping my eye on Mr. Min Woo 🙂

      • I completely agree with you he does seem to be a sweet, loving and compassionate person. I watched an interview of his, after going to Malawi on Strong Heart, where he explained what happened when he was about to leave. Min Woo said that Maki ran to him, grabbed his finger and said “Take me with you” and he told her “Appa will come to visit you once every year, like Santa Claus on Christmas” and she said “Ok” then he gave her a big hug. 🙂 I thought that was the sweetest, most adorable thing ever. No Min Woo has definitely topped my list of my all time favorite men not just Korean.

      • Awwww. He seems like such a cool guy. I wish he could have pulled an Angelina Jolie. Bet that would have shook things up a bit, but proably would have opened up a whole new can of worms.

    • Thank you for mentioning No Min Woo. It is admirable that he visited Malawi. What really touched my heart that he actually was hands on. Also, singing with the little girl and even wiping her face and appeared genuinely concerned about what is going on there. You don’t see that a lot from celebrities, heck, you don’t see that a lot from man kind period. We have forgotten to take care of one another.

      • Thank you for posting these videos. It just proves what I personally feel and that is we (mankind) are more alike than we are different. It doesn’t matter where you are from, we all need the same basic necessities in life. Most importantly we all want to be cared for and LOVED. Love is universal and not exclusive to any single race or ethnic group. The first video was heart wrenching and I felt exactly what he felt. In that moment, we are one in the same.

  45. Wow!!! This ground has been thoroughly covered, so I really don’t have much to add.

    I guess, the key word here for me is respect. If one can invest the time to research our music, rhythm and dance, then I think they can invest the time in knowing something about people they emulate.
    I understand that most of the younger generation tend to ovelook prejudice. Unless they were taught or exposed to it at an early age, then it’s not an issue for them until the moment something hits home. Prepare them.
    Sadly, racism still exists and is universal. Take what you can with a grain of salt, but speak out on and fight for what’s important.

  46. Girl1984,


    I also think I know what YT clip you’re talking about. I could be wrong,but I remembered an episode where Thunder was coloring a picture of his picture and I think that the actor you was referring to was Kim Soo-Ro and if I’m not mistaken, in that same episode, Seungho also reacted strongly to it. I was trying to find it,but it’s a big pain trying to as there are also those different parts on it.

    Mir is one of those guys you really never know about into the end. To many, he’s this hyperactive man who never quits,but there is another side of him is often hidden..the sentimental Mir. He speaks highly of his family, especially his pops, he’s just deep . Although Mir once said he wants to know what it is to be a man, he doesn’t realize he’s more of a man than he gives himself credit for. He’s responsible,compassionate about his life and those around him.

    It’s great that his sister’s pals with Tiger and Tasha. I could imagine that in the country sections of South Korea,like most small towns, it’s very conservative and some of the people are probably less open to diversity. It’s good that Mir and his sister not only exposed to Tasha,but them being a mixed couple as well,because that is the real world.

    MBLAQ may also be planning tours in other parts of Central America.Peru,has blacks and asians there. I hope that they get a chance to go there.I’ve heard that Peru is nice as well,but I’m just hoping for that whatever country they tour will be beneficial to them and to their fans. If they are willing to be open minded to it, they will discover a Black world that isn’t filled with the so called ghetto, loud violent people that has been ingrained in many cultures around the world.

    I think that the boys have enjoyed Brazil. I noticed that they kept those lipstick marks on their faces like a badge of honor( Hee-Hee). I bet that that is a trip that they will talk about for their lives.

    • Don’t worry about finding the clip. Yeah, I agree with what you said about Mir. And the other stuff. On Sesame Player both Thunder and Seungho said that Mir would be a great father. And among the members would pick Mir to be their father. Mir is totally special! So are the other guys.

      I heard that just Mir and G.O will be going to Peru for a charity trip, well the others will be staying in Korea. That is disheartening because all the members should experience the Peru trip.

  47. Bialamode,

    Oh almost forgot to mention( You may already know about it) that Miley is going to become an aunt of a half-Asian kid. Wonder how she may be feeling now that she knows this after doing that slanted eye stunt.

    • ATLSis,

      Yeah, I saw that. Honestly, I think Miley is a wild child who lets her fist fly in the “face” of responsibility, all in the name of trying to be a “grown-up” (sorry, if anybody here is a Miley fan). Hopefully, becoming an aunt to a half-Asian child will give her pause the next time she decides racial insensitivity is just “me and my peeps being funny.” It’s funny how some people never seem to notice or “feel” racism UNTIL it’s directed toward someone they love, that’s when they Get It. I hope her niece/nephew to be will never have to know what that feels like.

  48. “lei says:
    Got me tearing up at work. He is beautiful also. Wowza”.

    You are so right, Min woo Noh is GORGEOUS!. You should watch some of his dramas. My Girlfriend is a Gumiho and Midas, were very good. He didn’t have a large role in Midas but boy or boy did he look good. Made my husband jealous, since I was swooning everytime he came on the screen. LOL!

    Take care 🙂

  49. Hi guys,

    This happened quite a while ago but I only just came back to thinking about it after a long time. Initially I must admit that I was taken aback by Boom’s impersonation of Stevie Wonder. I still remember reading the article and seeing comments from so many saying that they were disappointed. Now even though I was shocked, I was not disappointed by his choice of imitation..

    In Korean entertainment celebrities always follow certain “concepts” and dress up as other famous celebrities from all over the world. There is Lady Gaga, Marilyn Monroe, Charlie Chaplain, and much more, but why is it disappointing for Boom to dress up as the great singer Stevie Wonder?

    I’m not sure as to whether he was told to dress up that way or if it was of his own choice but whoever it was, if they did not intend to disappoint or cause controversy they would not have started this. Rather I think it is our minds which automatically deem it inappropriate when there’s nothing wrong with it at all. Boom being able to successfully imitate Stevie Wonder is almost a symbol of multiculturalism as if colour does not matter. Does anyone agree on this or is it just me?
    Although I completely disagree with…I’m not sure if it was Boom or someone else who dressed up as a terrorist on Star King and started “shooting” people or something. I read a bit on it and just left it since I thought it was stupid.

  50. Does everyone remember the movie Tropic Thunder and remember the actor that played a black man?

    I wonder how much controversy that started. I shall google it now but I’d just like to point out that even famous Hollywood actors will do such things and not necessarily should one say that it was due to a lack of education.

    But then again I do understand that Boom and many others who have had makeup on to portray a black individual have upset others. I wish it weren’t so.

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