‘Beautiful Korean Men’ Is Packin’ Some SERIOUS Hotness

You all may already know about “Beautiful Korean Men”, a Facebook page, but if you don’t, PLEASE go check it out at your earliest convenience. When you need a hot Korean guy fix this is the place to go, but I warn you, you’d better be seated and have an oxygen tank nearby or you WILL lose your breath! Just in case you’re not quite understanding what I’m trying to tell you, please see the sample photos below that BKM regularly posts.

P.S. – All well and good concerning preferences, but whoever thinks Asian guys aren’t sexy are OUT-OF-THEIR-COTTON-PICKIN-MINDS!!!

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About bitofabelly81

Who I am Bitofabelly81 aka boab81, founder of Black Women Love Bi (BWLB): An Asian Men Appreciation Blog Why Because I love Bi/Rain/비/Jung Jihoon. I have never been inspired to start a blog/site for any celebrity/public figure, until I learned about Bi. He is the whole reason this blog exists. If it weren't for him, I would know nothing about the world of K-pop (which I adore), nor would I care. I am also a big fan of Japan and all things Japanese. I strive to feature men of all Asian ethnicities on the blog, but since K-pop and Hallyu are very popular, this blog has a tendency to lean more towards features on Korean men. Follow me on Twitter blackwomenloveb Find BWLB on Facebook here Wanna drop me a tip? Wanna say hi? Wanna say anything? Email me at bitofabelly81@gmail.com

27 thoughts on “‘Beautiful Korean Men’ Is Packin’ Some SERIOUS Hotness

  1. I am scared to Like it. Some of those pictures are scandelous, aint trying to wreck my reputation. Is there anyway I can check it out w/out linking my facebook account to it? Sheesh I just saw Joon looking like a man, I think I should just probably stay away from there all together 🙂

    • girl, i had a link to it…after being off fb for a few days, i logged in and scrolled down the page…lo’ and behold, i was met with the sight of somebody’s buns, and i don’t mean hot crossed…maybe honey, but anyway… i had to hide the posts because not all of my friends are ready for that lol…

      now i got to go back and find the ‘joon looking like a man’ pic…

      • That is what I am talking about. I am not trying to add them to my Like lists so my friends can think I am now checking out Asian Men Porn. Nah I am good. I will just look at the pics that BoaB chooses to post here.

      • I’m an admin for that page. A day ago, we had a problem with a “fan” posting pornographic material. Unfortunately we didn’t get rid of it in tome for a few people not to see. Believe me we do not tolerate material unwelcome to facebook period. There are 7 admins now so hopefully it will not happen again. I apologize if anyone from this blog was offended. We definitely let it be known to all fans of the page that was a big no-no and will result in reporting to facebook and being blocked from that page. It is a sexy page to adore Korean men, but we also have rules.

      • @TaShonda: thanks for clarifying! And how awesome that you’re an admin for that page! Its a small world indeed…I LOVE the page!

      • @ TaShonda–

        thanks for the comments. i knew some of the pics were a bit racy, like that one gracing the top spot on this post…i just thought it a bit much for my fb friends (ex, my mom), lol…but i still take a looksie when i need my hot guy fix :)…

  2. OH SNAP!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pic #1 “Guuurrrrl” What you try’na do????

    (*I’m a cartoon character who’s eyes have SERIOUSLY bugged out!!!*)

  3. Oh, I thought I would add this link. I’m sure we would all appreciate a little “sex and love sound” from this particular hottie. 😀

  4. This is one of the admins for Beautiful Korean Men. Thanks for your review of our FB fan page!! (>_<) Although I'm not a black woman, I have MUUUUCH love for Bi! Here a vid that we made that your readers also might enjoy. Who am I kidding, they WILL enjoy it, haha.

    • OMG O_O, serisous…who is the guy in the first pic. HOT HOT HOT.

      Yes, does anyone know? Who’s super sleuthly and can find out who he is!? LOL!

      • SORRY for the late reply and I can’t tell you his name!! :-((

        I personally found the pic somewhere on a Korean site. I’ll see if I can find it again, but I remember there was hardly ANY info on the guy, cause our caption on the pic was “I’m not 100% he’s even Korean”. We always post the person’s name if we find it, but sometimes on the Korean blogs they just post pics w/o names. I’ll double check and get back to you! (>_<)

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